Good news, the Project have reported that the Social Services Minister has said that the Branch faces sanctions if they don't join the Redress Scheme.
&feature=youtu.betonight there was an 8 minute segment allocated to reporting on jws regarding child abuse and the redress scheme.
it was presented by lisa wilkinson for the project.the australian branch has issued a statement to the show advising that they will not be joining the scheme.. they state:.
statement from the jehovah’s witnessesthe religion of jehovah’s witnesses does not have the institutional settings that the voluntary national redress scheme is designed to cover.therefore, the ministry for families and social services has been advised that jehovah’s witnesses will not join the scheme.jehovah’s witnesses have responded and will continue to respond directly to individual claims for redress in a caring, fair, and principled manner, taking into consideration the unique circumstances of each claim..
tonight there was an 8 minute segment allocated to reporting on jws regarding child abuse and the redress scheme.
it was presented by lisa wilkinson for the project.the australian branch has issued a statement to the show advising that they will not be joining the scheme.. they state:.
statement from the jehovah’s witnessesthe religion of jehovah’s witnesses does not have the institutional settings that the voluntary national redress scheme is designed to cover.therefore, the ministry for families and social services has been advised that jehovah’s witnesses will not join the scheme.jehovah’s witnesses have responded and will continue to respond directly to individual claims for redress in a caring, fair, and principled manner, taking into consideration the unique circumstances of each claim..
Tonight there was an 8 minute segment allocated to reporting on JWs regarding child abuse and the redress scheme. It was presented by Lisa Wilkinson for The Project.
The Australian Branch has issued a statement to the Show advising that they will not be joining the scheme.
They state:
Statement From The Jehovah’s Witnesses
The religion of Jehovah’s Witnesses does not have the institutional settings that the voluntary National Redress Scheme is designed to cover.
Therefore, the Ministry for Families and Social Services has been advised that Jehovah’s Witnesses will not join the Scheme.
Jehovah’s Witnesses have responded and will continue to respond directly to individual claims for redress in a caring, fair, and principled manner, taking into consideration the unique circumstances of each claim.
I do not know whether those outside of Australia can access the program but if you can then the segment begins at 31.33
Lisa Wilkinson who speaks as she sees things concluded with
"Maybe remember that next time one of them knocks on your door. The cruelty of it all is breathtaking."
No doubt, the 'JW's do not have the institutional setting that the voluntary National Redress Scheme is designed to cover'.
That's because the Australasian Branch can only accept instructions and direction for the Headquarters in New York, regardless of what they may think is morally right or not.
1.--2020-06-18-- english--instructions for our online meetings.. distractions.
personal appearance .
i used to watch his videos on the monthly gb talks.
he has went over the top a few times doing one video on why being liberal idiot is a good thing.
he has made comments on the usa not knowing shit about what he was desperately trying to talk about.
JP 1692 that AAWA saga was extremely disappointing and worrying. Lloyd even tried to undermine his own role as president. His second in charge, Barbara Anderson quickly resigned.
I found Lloyd's application to join the UK charities commission enquiry, in particular an Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, was amusing, although I don't fully understand what was going on there.
Here's part of the transcription regarding his second effort to join
Firstly to my right, Richard Scorer, solicitor of Slater & Gordon...
Firstly, Mr Scorer will be renewing an application on behalf of Mr James Lloyd Evans who provides advocacy and representation services for those who used to be members of the Jehovah's Witnesses...
Submissions by MR SCORER
MR SCORER: Thank you, chair. As Ms Scolding has explained, this is a renewal of a core participant's application on behalf of James Lloyd Evans.
Chair, as you know, Mr Evans is a former Jehovah's Witness who now works as an activist campaigner and documentary maker on behalf of former Jehovah's Witnesses, including many survivors of sexual abuse.
Chair, in your determination of this application, you explained that you don't consider that Mr Evans has a sufficient interest and you don't consider that he has played a significant role. You also point out that core participant status has been awarded to a group of survivors of abuse within the Jehovah's Witnesses and you also point out that this investigation is thematic rather than based on case studies.
Chair, what we say about this is as follows: First of all, whether this investigation is thematic or however it's defined, in order for it to be a meaningful investigation, then you will need, over the course of the investigation, to reach a properly-informed view as to whether the religious groups that you're looking at in this investigation are truly committed to child protection and are truly able to keep children safe. You are going to have to address that essential question.
You will be aware that many organisations have come before this inquiry and have said that they are committed to child protection and have said that children are safe in their hands, but then you found on investigation that often there is a significant gap between rhetoric and reality. You have seen that with the Anglican and Catholic Churches.
We would suggest that that gap between rhetoric and reality may be significant for a number of the organisations that you are investigating in this strand. We know that organisations -- and the Jehovah's Witnesses are one -- which have an insular culture and which are cut off from the outside world and may be said to be hostile to outside influence are likely to find it more difficult to deliver proper levels of child protection.
We know from the Australian Royal Commission that there are some serious problems in relation to child protection within that organisation. So what we say that your inquiry needs, and what you need, is core participants who are able to help you illuminate that gap between rhetoric and reality, and so far as child protection in the Jehovah's Witnesses is concerned, we say that nobody is in fact better qualified to comment on that, and to provide evidence of that, than Mr Evans is.
You know from his application that Mr Evans is a former member and a former elder of the Jehovah's Witnesses. That in itself is valuable experience which many others may not have, but he is also a great deal more than that. He is somebody, I think it's right to say, who is the only full-time ex-Jehovah's Witness advocate in the world. His day job solely involves keeping abreast of the latest developments within the Jehovah's Witnesses across the board, across the whole spectrum of the religion, but also including, specifically, its policies on child sex abuse and how these are impacting on the lives of victims and survivors.
We set out in the application his extensive writings and his extensive documentary films on exactly those issues, and the simple fact is that nobody is spending as much time as he is on analysing what's going on in the Jehovah's Witnesses now and nobody has written and researched it as extensively as he has.
Chair, of course it's right to say that the contribution of individual survivors will be important, we don't seek to detract from that in any way. What we do say is that there is nobody who is following this organisation, this religious group, as closely as Mr Evans is, so his knowledge and his huge expertise is crucial if this inquiry is to be a meaningful inquiry.
Of course, as you have identified in the determination, it's possible for him to contribute to the inquiry by simply being a witness rather than a core participant. But as you know, the reality is that if you are going to be involved in helping to interrogate what an organisation is actually doing on the ground, then in reality he needs to be in a position to see the witness evidence and indeed see any documentation that this organisation will be asked to supply to the inquiry, and he can only do that, in reality, as a core participant.
So, chair, that's the basis of our application. We say that it's simply wrong to say that Mr Evans doesn't have a significant interest. The work that he does, the research that he has done, the publications that he's written, the documentaries that he's made, all demonstrate not only that he has a significant interest and has played a significant role, but he has probably done so to a far greater extent than almost any other ex-Jehovah's Witness activist worldwide and, on that basis, it's only right that he should have core participant status.
We say that this inquiry would be much poorer without the benefit of his expertise and, without that expertise, there is a risk that the Jehovah's Witnesses in effect get a free pass
This is a slap in the face to people like Barbara Anderson and John Redwood, not to mention the highly qualified lawyers of this enquiry who apparently, risk not doing their job properly without giving Lloyd the opportunity to be a core participant rather than a witness.
transcript of judicial committee meeting of dale & bette baker..
Thanks for posting, it was an interesting read.
Elder V: There's a lot of things going on, they talk Christ and they say they know him, but they get caught up in emotion.
I wonder what this Elder would think about the way they are teaching nowadays, through highly emotional videos, often with tears.
Then there's Elder D that had some educational trading in mind control. I wonder what he would have thought about it.
The discussion couldn't have ended any better. Dale has been proven right and Elder J, if he was still around likely accepted the overlapping generation teaching, just as any mind controlled person would.
this article seems to confirm what we already knew:.
Last year there were new standards introduced in Australia that require charities and religious organisations to keep closer tabs on how the money they send overseas is being properly spent by that third party. They are to keep sufficient records to demonstrate the money sent is not being used fraudulently. Although they aren't required to lodge this information, they may be asked by the ACNC to look at it.
If there is sufficient cause the ACNC may be encouraged to investigate. The fact that they are not joining the redress scheme and are selling off Assets and sending a huge proportion of their earnings overseas may encourage the ACNC to do this but nothing has been announced to date.
Given that the requirement is that the Australian Branch must be able to present those records will require Watchtower Headquarters to provide them with this information, something they have unlikely done in the past. It means that they are now partly accountable to one of their branches which does not fit in with their theocracy structure.
this article seems to confirm what we already knew:.
Now there are claims being made over at reddit that the Watchtower have said that they can't join the redress scheme because they don't have any money.
They have also been claiming that there is an investigation into the Watchtower over this leaving others to think it is a Government investigation whereas it's simply a journalists/newspapers investigation who only hav as much as we do to speculate on.
Its getting out if hand and some ex JWs are hyping up what amounts to speculation and guess work. This is not good journalism and it's not clever on the part of some ex JWs to read more into this.
Even Winston from Watchtower Examination was nearly caught up with this hype until he carefully examined the information he had. He has just downloaded a much more level headed video on the situation.
i don't remember disfellowshippings happening very often and announcements about being re instated but i think i remember that we used to clap hands if someone came back after being disfellowshipped.
but then i think clapping wasn't allowed.
am i correct in my recollections?.
the point of the letter was how many are feeling disappointed these days.. no circuit assembly, convention, how we can't fellowship at the k.h.
disappointed we might have had a love one die, etc etc.
he then goes on to write about how disappointed jehovah must have felt when his first human creation rebelled.
so as things are now opening up and food never ran out, i've been dipping into our emergency supplies.
they say that spam doesn't have a shelf-life, it has a half-life, but i kind of wanted to see if it was like i remembered as a kid.. as it turns out spam fritters are as delicious as i remember, probably better ('cause i did fancy ones).
i used this recipe and they were glorious.
I agree with you, girl next door, tinned Salmon is fantastic. It doesn't have that dry coarse texture of tinned Tuna and has a better flavour. The price has gone up significantly in the past year but Tuna remains cheap.
Smoked muscles and oysters are delicious and make for a good snack on crackers but most of the canned produce comes out of China.
I've got a can of Mackerel in the pantry and can't bring myself to open it.
Out of all the canned foods on the Supermarket shelves during the shortages, only Spam was always available and even being discounted.