That's great Diamondfrog. I hope you are successful.
JoinedPosts by Listener
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Did he put the Australian Bethel visit on his Youtube?
Cappytan is really getting motivated and it sounds like he's doing some great networking.
He's created a new website
not to be confused with the Watchtower's
Watchtower July 22 - JWs being interrogated need to muzzle their mouths
by Listener inthe watchtower has printed a disturbing article about self control and gives this instruction to the r & f .
self-control also allows us to remain silent when opposers try to trick us into revealing things that could endanger our brothers and sisters.
this might occur when we are being interrogated by the police in a land where our work is banned or restricted.
Thanks Atlantis for the scan of the Watchtower article.
Blues Brothers, I can only remember them relating examples of what other JWs have done and praised them for their actions under persecution. I don't recall where they have said that they need to remain silent under questioning is it might put other Brothers and Sisters in the spotlight.
Watchtower July 22 - JWs being interrogated need to muzzle their mouths
by Listener inthe watchtower has printed a disturbing article about self control and gives this instruction to the r & f .
self-control also allows us to remain silent when opposers try to trick us into revealing things that could endanger our brothers and sisters.
this might occur when we are being interrogated by the police in a land where our work is banned or restricted.
The Watchtower has printed a disturbing article about self control and gives this instruction to the R & F
Self-control also allows us to remain silent when opposers try to trick us into revealing things that could endanger our brothers and sisters. This might occur when we are being interrogated by the police in a land where our work is banned or restricted. We can apply the principle to “guard [our] mouth with a muzzle” in these and other situations as well. (Ps. 39:1)
One common way in which authorities would try to trick a person into divulging information is by threatening them or their family and friends. It could be physical harm, material harm or something else. The Watchtower is telling them to shut up if the information might, not will, but might, endanger other JWs. How would they be endagered? Possibly just rounded up and interrogated as well.
But this instruction applies not only to JW men, but to females and teenagers.
It's not up to the Watchtower to decide when and how JWs should act when caught up by the higher authorities. It is up to the individual, their own conscience after weighing up what they perceive as risks.
Dear Female ExJWs
by Simon injudging by some forum comments and tweets, it seems like some female exjw's feel they are being ignored or excluded from things.
i thought i'd share my views.
what could possibly go wrong .... first, i think it's unfair to post and judge people based on a private chat shared without permission and posted without context.
It is any Youtuber's right to decide what they want on their channel. There are dozens of reasons why they may choose a particular panel without jumping to the conclusion that they are misogynistic or deliberately excluding females.
None of these ex JWs are professionals so choosing a panel isn't necessarily focused at presenting a discussion that encompasses a wider dynamic. Their choice of participants may simply be a matter of who they can best relate to and feel comfortable in taking a topic in the direction they wish or choosing people they personally feel can give the most input on the same wave length as themselves.
The different time zones of participants and availability is another consideration.
Cappytan is currently on his YouTube channel along with Mark O'donnell and Alt Worldly reviewing the Watchtower live stream from Friday.
There is a Youtuber, Paul Lane who was advertising and interviewing Bethelites regarding this past Friday's streamed event discussing the 20 year old case between Watchtower vs Stratton. Robert Hendriks is one Bethelite interviewed.
At a guess it looks like the Legal Learning Studio was established for providing CLE credit (Continued Learning Credits) for attorneys in the USA.
It had made this past event regarding the Watchtower vs Stratton available to all attorneys and went to the effort of getting it accredited for use as CLE credits in various States.
It may be costly for the JW Attorneys to obtain their required CLE credits and this may be an effort to save costs as well as keeping them Watchtower focused.
If they provide it free to 'worldly' attorneys they would probably consider it as part of their preaching work.
There is an indication on the website that the Watchtower is planning future events but none are listed yet.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Slimboyfat - Listener, what terms would you suggest using instead? I don’t want to help LE’s narrative. But I don’t want to be insulting to potentially exploited people either
The term 'prostitute' in general terms is correct, unless they are not being paid in one form or another. If they have been exploited, then that clarification should be made in reference to that individual or group, if known.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
the lowest point of this entire movement was when Kim’s initial Reddit statement was deleted by mods there, all under the guise of “well this could be a fake Kim Silvio
It was annoying that ex JW Reddit directed posters to use the term "sex workers" rather than any other term. I find it disturbing that they did this.
The term “sex worker” recognizes that sex work is work. Prostitution, on the other hand, has connotations of criminality and immorality.
It had the effect of making light what Lloyd Evans had/has been engaged in.
In her statement Kim Silvio had used the term 'prostitute' so they were also undermining the facts that she was revealing.