At least he can still fantasize about his court wins whilst the case still appears to be open. Everyone's mother is safe for the time being.
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It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Are Jehovah's Witnesses who are disfellowshipped allowed to communicate and comfort each other while waiting to be reinstated?
by Vanderhoven7 ini just read about a disfellowshipped person who was looking for other disfellowshipped persons to socialize with.
what does the org have to say about this?.
From what I understand, they still have control of you if you're dfd, if you allow them to.
You cannot associate with other dfd ones, as in, you must shun them otherwise you will not be considered for reinstatement and it will cause a delay if you have done so.
Exercise Patience Regional Convention
by Rattigan350 inthe theme of the in person convention this year is "exercise patience".
looking at the convention map, they are really using their assembly halls and they are using smaller civic centers or city arena.
no more huge stadiums.. are they not expecting a great crowd?
Slimboyfat - I remember sisters used to complain about the length of the queues for the toilets. They could hang one of these “Exercise Patience” signs. 💡
WHO still has some recommendations in place and one of them includes keeping a distance of 1metre from others. It's even more important to do so when you are going to be near someone for a while. I bet they won't implement that.
My experience as a JW for 37 years. I dogded the bullet that many of you experienced .
by smiddy3 inhi friend`s ,i just had to share my experience ,and surely there must be others on this board who had similar experiences that i had.. i was a jw for 37 years ,been out for about 20 years or so .however we as a family never had the problems that so many of you seem to have had .. none of our, my wife and i , immediate families have ever been jw`s.. i converted when i was about 20 years old in about 1960 and as i say remained in converted my wife and brought up two sons in the "truth" for about 37 years .. my 1st and 2nd congregations i attended in melbourne aust.
were very conservative and not very wholesome looking back.. however moving interstate to s.e.queensland in redcliffe was a whole new experience.. it was far more liberal and relaxed.. i befriend a couple of elders and ms `s who enjoyed an ale or two which was right up my alley.. and we went on camping expeditions on both fraser and moreton islands ,both just off the coast of brisbane.. i was a ms for many years there never pioneered or served where the need was great and always had steady employment in the world which probably kept my head above the clouds so to speak.. none of my family ,wife two boys and their wives are jw`s ,we have all left many years ago.. anybody else had negative effects of being a witness for many years ?.
Thanks for sharing Smiddy. Can I ask what drew you in at 20 years of age?
New blood card system in March
by Indoubtbigtime inthere is going to be a hole new system of blood cards this march .
the congregation won’t hold any information as they did before from march it will be all put on the pub.
i think it’s to do with vaccines and they are worried now they got everyone vaxed and they want to distance themselves from medical responsibilities and say own personal decisions.
Another reason they may be changing this is to help retain their charity status. It doesn't look good if they are telling all their followers to die rather than accept a blood transfusion. -
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Toblerone5 In this December 30 2022, JW watch live report #15 , he made that video from the 1 bedroom attic ? loft? he said he didn't want to drive 1\2 hrs to the studio ( basement apartment ) Tibor was on vacation , he also mention he was also on vacation but he made the video anyway.
Is it possible that he's roped Tibor into letting him use his basement? I would imagine that Tibor has already set up his own studio where he resides since he would need it as part of his studies.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Lloyd - “divorce is the most stressful thing any human can go through”
He wouldn't be saying that if he was on the receiving end of an abusive and controlling relationship.
March 2023 WT - Recruitment drive!
by BoogerMan indedicate your life to jehovah, by being baptized as a jw - not as a christian.
(a follower of christ - acts 11:26).
They sure know how to play mind games. It isn't acceptable that individuals feel they are not ready. -
According to their own doctrines, no JW knows if another JW is anointed or not and that has to include the GB members.
From the January 2016 Watchtower
Jehovah knows those who belong to him.” Unlike Jehovah, the brothers who count the number of people eating the bread and drinking the wine at the Memorial do not know who truly is anointed. So the number includes those who think that they are anointed but are not. For example, some who used to eat the bread and drink the wine later stopped. Others may have mental or emotional problems and believe that they will rule with Christ in heaven.”
The GB announced that these new GB members are "anointed Christians" however they have no special, God given powers to make that call, only their trust that these men are telling the truth.
Sunday January 15 is my 76th birthday. I answer some of your questions.
by Terry inhappy birthday 2 me!!.
sunday is my 76th birthday and i know that you want to know how it "feels" to have outlived my usefulness, to have lost my natural beauty (being reduced to wrinkles and flab), and constantly walking into a room not knowing why i'm there.
you also are curious as to how i can continue to find a reason to live since none of my kids think my opinions have any possible value, most of my facebooks friends i wouldn't recognize if i tripped over them on my way into starbucks, and my monthly expenditure on bird treats exceeds u.s. spending on the military.
Thanks Terry, your music is beautiful and has such a pleasant undertone.