Respectful Observer - are you Rick Fearon?
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Selena Vertolomo "The Mower" and her sister Sherrie call into The Six Screens TIME STAMP 2:53
by RESPECTFUL OBSERVER inselena vertolomo, former jehovah's witnesses who was sexually abused in watchtower, went to visit tony morris in north carolina.
selena and her sister call in and explain their position.
callers dial in from around the world and ask plenty of questions.
Is Tony Morris a Nonce / Pedophile
by MebyonKernow inthis has just been posted on youtube regarding tony morris and the reason why he was removed as a gb member and 'relocated'.is tony morris a pedophile / nonce? me know your thoughts down below.celtic.
Diogenesister - " I'll get a ton of shit for saying this but it was totally irresponsible for 'Blue Envelope' to sit on his land registry access waiting for a hit on Ant Mo's name, then publicise his address for the sake of a video"
I don't recall the Blue Envelope giving out his address at all. He did provide enough PUBLICLY available information that his address was made even easier to find. When this was pointed out, he immediately took steps for it to be a little more difficult to work out from his video.
Is Tony Morris a Nonce / Pedophile
by MebyonKernow inthis has just been posted on youtube regarding tony morris and the reason why he was removed as a gb member and 'relocated'.is tony morris a pedophile / nonce? me know your thoughts down below.celtic.
There's a poster on Reddit by the name of MyLittlePIMO who has written an interesting post which includes the following comments -
Salena's claims have gone mainstream viral, with 1.1 million views on TikTok. [Source Video] In this video, she approaches the Kingdom Hall in the neighborhood where Tony Morris III now lives and tells them him a message that "his ass is grass". Her main claim is that she was sexually abused, Tony Morris personally knew about it and was involved in some way.
This is an appealing and catharctic video for those of us that have suffered at Watchtower's hands, and it's understandable that it is going viral.
But if you read/watch all of Salena's content, some of the claims are...incredibly outlandish.
She's claiming that the Zalkin Law Firm is deliberately is hiding victims (i.e. in on the conspiracy?), Watchtower is murdering people and scrubbing it off of Google, Watchtower burned down her house twice to cover her up and then tried to poison her. She says she was personally invited to sit down and participate in a cover up. [Source: Reddit] That Tony's match-blowing talk was a message to tell people to burn down her house, some JWs sacrifice babies to Jehovah. [6:00 in this TikTok]. And that she was personally aware of a pedophile ring that, to quote, "the truth of it is the scope of it was so large it covered 80,000 locations. So in 80,000 locations children are knowingly being preyed upon by child predators." (For context, there's only 120k Kingdom Halls in the world IIRC.) [Source: Tiktok] .
She also claims in the text of another TikTok in 2021, that, to quote:
I have 34,000 individual pages detailing JW CSA cases just like mine. They can never shred them, and they’ve already been read through, sorted, and sent to 18 other countries’ human rights’ diplomats, 6 leading research universities, and about 40 devoted writers and journalists. The USA is very slow to show anything on media
When people ask her for evidence, she responds with sarcasm or tells them to Google it.It's more than annoying when you get idiots on Youtube that congratulate her, claiming she's so brave and has a lot of guts and promote her tik tok, without seeing the real problems, verifying the information or using plain old common sense.
She may well be a CSA survivor but she doesn't need promoting, she needs help.
Tony Morris replaced - by ANOTHER teleprompter reader!
by BoogerMan inthe whitewashing of tm111 from jw history continues - tending to confirm that he was booted..
i'm pretty sure the cult got him to sign a nice nda - in exchange for a lifetime residency in the house bought by wt..
Fisherman - Does wt still teach this gb special communication with God? Please show
What do you mean by 'still teach'. Since you agree that they have taught it then your question should be when did they stop teaching it, if ever.
Awake! No.1 2023, A United Nations Advertisement?
by EasyPrompt inawake!
magazine no.1 2023 and united nations promotions.
page 3, "world meteorological association".
They are showing them in good light by explaining what good they are doing. They are very much supporting them. There is no negativity against these organisations. Even lockdown was beneficial, they say.
The only negativity they show is by saying that not enough is being done but that is absolutely no different to what these very organisations state also.
In fact, they promote these organisations as being part of the solution rather than part of the problem. They explain it is only the abuse and exploitation that God will put to an end and that it is possible for the earth to rejuvenate with the right actions. That is what they explain these organisations are doing.
The last part of the article states -
God has designed the earth with built-in systems that can withstand the impact of sensible human activity. The Bible foretells that Jehovah God will, at his appointed time, put an end to the abuse and exploitation that has damaged our planet.—Revelation 11:18
It will be interesting to see if JWs are keeping up with Jehovah's chariot and embrace this support or work against their own organisation by pretending it doesn't exist.
Truth about Covid vaccines
by Kosonen ini hope the truth about the covid vaccines becomes public knowledge as it does now in australia.
senator malcom roberts tells it all in his speach.
I would hate to be a person, in whatever capacity, who imposed this on any other human being.
Anthony Morris III demoted to Great Crowd!
by Vanderhoven7 inwell, that is my prediction for 2024 anyway!
hey, if watchtower can speculate.....
ExBethelite, what has it been revised to?
Jeffrey Jackson: Too much excitement got in the way for the ''false dates''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inannual meeting 2019—talks and 2020 year textthe governing body members are nothing but a bunch of weasels.
here is a talk by jeffrey jackson on how the governing body ''the slave class'' has remained spiritually awake over 100 years and alerted its members.. he looks back on the ''faithful and discreet slaves'' false dates over the 100 years: '' but at times, we look back over 100 years, and there were times they got excited about a certain year or time, and the end didn't come at that time.''.
he makes the comparison between the ''slave class ( who disappointed others when the end didn't come ) to a barking watchdog ( who in his enthusiasm barks at nothing in the middle of the night and wakes up the owner).
No, you don't shoot the dog but have learnt that you can no longer rely on it to be a guard dog. Instead, you'll have to attend to it during the night when it barks so as not to disturb the rest of the family and neighbours.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
EasyPrompt, why should a person's reputation be undermined because they are ridiculing someone? You claim that happens every time.
In this scenario you need to look at who is doing the undermining, I don't know how desirable these people would be as good acquaintances.
I read this comment elsewhere and think it's great -
Is there a way to distinguish helpful and unhelpful ridicule? Heroic vs. over-the-line ridicule?
I don't doubt you would find some unhelpful ridicule on this thread but given that it provides many with a good laugh, it's debateable. However, there is so much that would be considered helpful and that could hardly be undermining the posters reputation, in fact, it is heroic and the reason it is seen as necessary.
You also mention a continuing cycle of hate. Where is this notion of 'continuing hate' come from?
Anthony Morris the III has been FOUND
by Terry innote: photos can be found on the blue envelope channel and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
Not only was he removed as a GB member but it would appear that he’s been marked. It would explain why they have to remove his videos. If they recognise him as in good standing once again, it’s possible that his videos may be reinstated.
It also explains why they only kept the announcement that he was no longer a member of the GB up for a short period and also, the reason why they did not thank him for his service.
His sons, knowing the situation, would not be allowed to stay with him but would be allowed to visit. They could not stay with other JWs or a Hotel as it would raise too many questions amongst the local JWs.