I don't admit to having been a JW. I have a different job since I faded & I don't want anyone to ask me any questions. I answered enough & explained enough all my life. It's great to be able to say Happy New Year, Happy birthday etc. without having to explain why you don't celebrate them.
Posts by reds
Do you think a lot of JWs are ashamed of their beliefs?
by I quit! inthe reason i asked this is because i'm going to the funeral of a man who wasn't a jw.
my mother-in-law has lived in the same neighborhood as him for years and knows his wife.
i asked her if she was going attend the funeral service.
Agree 100% with willyloman. Iwish I could have met Ray & his wife. It saddened me that they put off having children because of what the governing body spouted. An excellent book. His story told in such a kind & graceful manner.
What's Your Favorite TV Show Right Now?
by minimus ini love criminal minds and the newest criminal minds that was showcased last night.
and i love law & order svu!.
Why would abandoning 1914 mean they are not chosen by God?
by InterestedOne ini've read here that if the wt admits 607 is wrong or if 1914 is wrong, the logical result is that god did not choose them as his org.
can someone explain to me how that logically follows?.
couldn't they just say, "we have received new light on that, have learned that we cannot give a specific date (like how they abandoned 1935), but look, we adhere to the bible more strictly than anyone else, we strive to 'keep the cong clean' more than any other group, etc., so therefore, we must be chosen by god as his only org.
They always refer to the light getting brighter, Proverbs 4:18,however, it's contrasting rightousness and wickedness. It is not referrring to advanced knowledge or understanding. It is another example of scripture taken out of context to further their own agenda.
Feb. 15th WT - WT Society says DFed Ones are Lawless- Just Like Demons
by flipper ini would assume that some or a good number of us here as normal humans in this society - consider " lawless " actions to include murder , robbery, extortion, rape, child abuse, war , terrorism, etc.
the wt society has their own definition of what's considered " lawless ".
anything that's considered a disfellowshipping offense in the jehovah's witnesses is now considered " lawless ".
You talk to others about what you say here! Where exactly do you tell them you do your talking? You obviously know that many here are disassociated or df'd so how do you justify this in your own conscience? Aren't we the very ones that you should shun ? I must be a sadist because I will continue to punish myself & never step foot in a k.h. again & FYI I'm not df'd. We have a freedom here you can't begin to understand. Kudos to Mr. Flipper & all who respond to this sheep that has strayed from the wt pen.
Disfellowshiped ARE REQUIRED to sit in the library!
by brotherdan inmy mother-in-law is making leaps and bounds in her progress to get out of the watchtower.
for those of you that don't know, she is df'd but has been working on "coming back".
recently i've been able to exchange emails about the dangers of the organization and share jesus with her.
It makes me so mad how they've treated your MIL. Especially since she's trying to get reinstated. I'm glad it is opening her eyes to the unloving unchristian ways of the pharisees. Where is the mercy and compassion Jesus spoke of? They should be so ashamed of their self. Kudos to awen! Would love to have been a fly so as to see the look on that elders face when you partook. Priceless!
KH and DF attendance question
by diamondiiz ini was reading brotherdan's thread about df individuals having to sit at the back or/and leave for song and prayer.
i know this practice varies from hall to hall or is regional but i was wondering what right do they have to do this if kh is a public place?
it's a charitable organization, public place open to all i thought.
I was reinstated I think in 2003. I never sat in the back of the kingdom hall. We were told a couple years later to leave the last two rows for the elderly & infirmed so that it would be easier for them to get in and out should they need to use the restroom or stretch their legs etc. I thought this was a nice gesture. I myself am still fadeing.
To DF'd people: have you gotten your yearly visit? Ever?
by daringhart13 ini'm really curious how many of those df'd have ever received a yearly visit........ .
It's been 16mos. since I attended a meeting. In the begining I recieved "encourageing " calls from some in the cong. I didn't return the calls. Have yet to hear from an elder for inactivity & don't want to . This loving provision has never been used for my df'd daughter either & she's been out for about 5 years. They know where we live and have our phone numbers. So much for searching for the lost sheep!
To DF'd people: have you gotten your yearly visit? Ever?
by daringhart13 ini'm really curious how many of those df'd have ever received a yearly visit........ .
Jan. 15th WT- Go to Meetings to Fight the Blues- Eliminate other Activities
by flipper inour jw contact sent us the " witness only " wt's again and i just had to make a thread on this mind numbing article.
starting on pg.22 in the jan.15th it deals with " coping with discouragement ".
it seems lots of jw's are under intense stress these days ( can you blame them ?
This is for spade, are you saying according to the watchtower you have Jehovah's holy spirit? WOW!, & you insinuate those of us on this thread don't . Really!!!!!!!!!!!