Actually, the paper used to print the Awake! and Watchtower magazines has a little more "tooth" than standard toilet tissue, so does a remarkably good job. And, since both substances involved are the same there is no adverse impact on the environment. There is absolutely no better way to use a Watchtower or Awake! than to compost it. Trust me on this one.
JoinedPosts by Nickolas
I've stopped my bible study but....
by PenelopePaige inthe lady i studied with asked if it would be okay if she still brought the magazines by.
i said of course because i do love the awake and watchtower.
well, when she came by last week, she gave me the mags and then as we stood around chit-chatting, i realized we were basically still having the study, only we were standing up instead of sitting in the living room.
I've stopped my bible study but....
by PenelopePaige inthe lady i studied with asked if it would be okay if she still brought the magazines by.
i said of course because i do love the awake and watchtower.
well, when she came by last week, she gave me the mags and then as we stood around chit-chatting, i realized we were basically still having the study, only we were standing up instead of sitting in the living room.
great minds, OUTLAW?
I've stopped my bible study but....
by PenelopePaige inthe lady i studied with asked if it would be okay if she still brought the magazines by.
i said of course because i do love the awake and watchtower.
well, when she came by last week, she gave me the mags and then as we stood around chit-chatting, i realized we were basically still having the study, only we were standing up instead of sitting in the living room.
I recently ordered a back issue lot of 50 of them off Ebay.
I hope it's because you live in the country and still have an outhouse.
I've stopped my bible study but....
by PenelopePaige inthe lady i studied with asked if it would be okay if she still brought the magazines by.
i said of course because i do love the awake and watchtower.
well, when she came by last week, she gave me the mags and then as we stood around chit-chatting, i realized we were basically still having the study, only we were standing up instead of sitting in the living room.
Btw, if anyone has any advice on how to nicely and respectively end this, I would appreciate it-
Seriously? Ok. End it like she's carrying a plague bacillus, because what she's trying to infect you with is about as bad. Leave her with no doubt that you DO NOT want to be bothered by her or anyone else from the Kingdom Hall ever again. Tell her to go away and not come back or you will call the police to get a restraining order. (but I somehow think you are much too sweet and nice a person to do that. Polite but firm might work, too).
Armaggeddon may occur invisibly
by mankkeli inat the end of today's meeting, some over-righteous friends were discussing the various possibilities of armaggeddon occuring invisibly, considering the explanation given within the "parousia" domain on the invisible presence of christ in 1914. they reffered to some articles which i am presently looking through.. .
while he was sitting upon the mount of olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence [pa?rou?sia, greek] and of the conclusion of the system of things?.
"in our day, then, what is meant by the biblical expression the presence of our lord jesus christ?
Yes, OUTLAW, my thinking exactly. (You don't have to read this, mankkeli, just go ahead and skip to the next post.) Someone finds JWN and jumps right in starting thread after thread after thread? Hmmmmmmmmmm, indeed. Could it be this person has been here before in another incarnation? The writing style is all over the map. Some of the posts sound as if he's just learning how to speak English and others are articulate to highschool level. Hard to figure out, but it smells a little fishy. (You can stop reading this now, mankkeli)
The Jehovahs Witness Baby Sitter
by garyneal injust thought id pop in with a new thread concerning the development on my childrens lives.
my youngest daughter goes to a babysitter who is a sister in my wifes congregation.
the reason being is because the child is an infant and regular daycare is much too expensive.
There you go, Gary. Send her packing, man.
Armaggeddon may occur invisibly
by mankkeli inat the end of today's meeting, some over-righteous friends were discussing the various possibilities of armaggeddon occuring invisibly, considering the explanation given within the "parousia" domain on the invisible presence of christ in 1914. they reffered to some articles which i am presently looking through.. .
while he was sitting upon the mount of olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence [pa?rou?sia, greek] and of the conclusion of the system of things?.
"in our day, then, what is meant by the biblical expression the presence of our lord jesus christ?
Will you put this in your pipe and smoke it?
I'd prefer to have whatever you've been smoking. Regardless, it would be great if the strategy geniuses in Brooklyn came up with this great big steaming pile of horseshit and served it on a plate for the witnesses to eat. It might wake a few of them up.
The Jehovahs Witness Baby Sitter
by garyneal injust thought id pop in with a new thread concerning the development on my childrens lives.
my youngest daughter goes to a babysitter who is a sister in my wifes congregation.
the reason being is because the child is an infant and regular daycare is much too expensive.
It's been a long time but good sitters are hard to come by. If this one is good with your child it would be nice to keep her, but if she's not prepared to operate under your family rules then I think you know what you've got to do. It might just make it all academic anyway if you set limits because she'll likely pack it in if she's going to be forced to watch evil, satanic, demonised kiddie shows.
discreetslave, forgive me please for saying this, but your husband is (edited) mistaken.
I've stopped my bible study but....
by PenelopePaige inthe lady i studied with asked if it would be okay if she still brought the magazines by.
i said of course because i do love the awake and watchtower.
well, when she came by last week, she gave me the mags and then as we stood around chit-chatting, i realized we were basically still having the study, only we were standing up instead of sitting in the living room.
I'm surprised that everyone is so shocked at me liking the magazines. Holy crap, should I not be reading them? They seem okay to me. I'm really shocked that everyone has an issue with me liking the magazines....
That sounds just a little too naiive. Are you for real, girl?
On the benefit of the doubt I suggest you take the advice of the people in here who've been around the block a time or two with the Witnesses and cut it off immediately. Be as rude as you want or as polite as you want, it doesn't matter. This one you're describing I've seen before. Not the same person, of course, but a clone of her. The second you firmly draw the line in the sand is the second she will want to have nothing to do with you. There's a good word in the vernacular that describes what you are to the Watchtower. You're a mark. If you play ball with this woman she will zero in on that objective with the tenacity of a pitbull. They are otherwise going to take you for everything you've got and turn you into a slave of the Watchtower, which all of them are proud to declare openly.
Sleeping with the enemy
by Nickolas ini have been wondering of late about the extent to which jwn's minions (one of whom i am beginning to see myself to some extent) differentiate the machine from its parts.
what i mean is, what degree of separation is discerned between the watchtower bible and tract society and its individual members?.
henry milner, who is a polical scientist at the university of montreal, posits that those who rely heavily on the internet for their information ultimately become dogmatic.
I'm afraid you are right, TD. I had forgotten that aspect of my own aborted indoctrination many years ago. That is exactly what was said to me and it is why my parents and family were completely unable to tell me anything I didn't want to hear. My wife was not studying at the time. Ah, sweet irony. At one point she commented that what I was telling her about sounded mystical. Then she's studying too, I drop out when the lights come on, she stays, now convinced that Satan has blinded me to the Truth and listening to me, as much as she loved me, was listening to someone other than the real me. We were both not in, then I'm in and she's out, then we're both in, then I'm out and she's in, and there it has stayed for 33 years. I think I perceive a small hairline crack or two, though, but it may require several months to exploit it effectively. Slow, slow.