One of the worst things George Lucas ever did was remaster and re-release Star Wars IV.
I know a married couple who were each the children of Congregation Elders and who secretly celebrate Christmas but who can quickly remove all traces of this when the grandparents come to visit. They are compelled to live like Bootleggers hiding a still from Federal agents!!
Imagine, if you will, the stress on the kids! Imagine the distorted sense of loyalty being taught! Imagine what values are at conflict and the psychological destruction being wrought!!
What can you say, what can you do that could possibly solve this horrifying Sophies Choice for them??
Who is responsible for whom in this context? It's kind of a rhetorical question but ultimately the parents are responsible to their children. They alone bear responsibility for the distorted sense of loyalty and psychological damage wrought by their example, precisely because it is their example. What they're teaching their kids is duplicity. The opposite end of the truth spectrum. If they're being sucked down the black hole of The Watchtower they're dragging their kids down with them. Unless you accept they have a legitimate mitigating circumstance that puts their own welfare above that of their children, you cannot accept their behaviour as appropriate. Is it really a Sophie's Choice? I enjoyed that movie. But I think if Sophie could have grabbed hold of her two children and escaped the Nazi death camp to shiver and subsist for years in the surrounding woods it is what she would have done in a heartbeat, rather than sacrifice one of them to save the other. These parents are sacrificing all of their children and saving none.