This doesn't concern the watchtower, but relates to a current child abuse scandal in the UK. A recently deceased national DJ, TV presenter and children's charities fundraiser has been exposed as a child molester. The story can be read here:-
This morning I was listening to the BBC's Five live radio programme. It seems that somebody made an allegation that when she was a child recovering at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital, she was told by the nurses that Jimmy Savile would be visiting the hospital, and that he would choose from one of the children and take them into his private room. (He had his own office/room there). Apparently, this happened quite a lot. The nurse told her to pretend to be asleep, and stay in bed, and not to get into a wheelchair.
I found this quite shocking. To think that people in a caring profession would tolerate this, and keep such an awful secret. It then got me to thinking how this kind of thing is protected within the WT organization, so as not to cause a scandal. These nurses turned a blind eye because he was a well-known celebrity who had raised several millions for children's charities. How much more so will a person protect their deity from scandal. I think that judging by so many people's loyalty to a mere mortal (that they weren't compelled to protect), we are probably only seeing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the organization, and their cover-ups.