Proof that Satan is in control of the WT and THAT is why the new change will come.....

by EndofMysteries 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    If anybody ever read the two babylons book, it detailed how christianity became corrupt. How over time, not on the spot, but slowly changes were implemented, it started with forbidding anybody to read or hold the bible, and only the leader/pope etc could teach, once there was full absolute power, then satan was able to put in anything he wanted to corrupt it all.

    I am not going to list the articles and scriptures, everybody can find those, I'm just going to quickly show from the history to now how it's happened and the proof and what is happening now.

    It started out true, everybody must read the bible, organization and binding of consciences to others is bad, and everything was only suggestions, etc, but make sure it agrees with the bible. And it began to grow. Now how can Satan grab this organization and use it to his advantage? Knowing that people would start to wake up, he would use this as a trap to catch people and make them think they are out of the falsehood, when in reality he caught them right back in again, and again this would have to slowly be done over time.

    At this point, all can get holy spirit and understanding of the bible. So how does he change it to make people rely on 1 person so the corruption can start.

    Judge Rutherford takes over by force, by deception. He is going to start teaching things that are not in harmony with the scriptures. To do this, he first teaches that holy spirt CEASED in 1918. That the DEAD brother russell was raised and also angels and they are communicating and controlling things through HIM(Rutherford). So since it's not him, a human, but actually Jesus having all of this done, everybody must follow him without question.

    During this time, he promoted a book called angels and women, a rewrite of seola, and in angels and women the editor noted that it's of their opinion that a 'fallen angel' demon who was repentant toward God had inspired it.

    The finished mystery, one of the brothers who wrote the book, also claimed for months was under demon possession, at a convention had related his experience and also in the finished mystery described it a bit.

    So Rutherford has stopped the holy spirit, he is 'channel' (spiritist) communicating with dead anointed (who I'll show later aren't raised up so can only be demons)

    At this point though, elders and such were voted on, and they had freedom, the congregations to do as they felt needed and saw fit. Also Rutherfords claims, with things such as 1925 and such did not happen, people began to doubt and speak up. So Satan needs to get more control now.

    In mid to late 1920's, there are those who are put in who are representatives of the society in each congregation.

    Then in 1938, that is the year that forever changes everything and gives a big shift in power. No longer are elders elected by the congregation, they are selected by the society. If the society feels that an elder is not on board, they are removed by the society. So now any elder who speaks out against the society is silenced and all teaching is controlled by the society. Also anybody who speaks about about this, are those who cause divisions.

    Also somewhere between this time and latest 50's the disfellowshipping process was added and made that it would not be shown to the entire congregation, that it's a waste of time, so all judial things would be between the few elders and the one person. THIS made it so that if one was to be disfellowshipped and not based on a scriptual reason but to silence them from speaking the truth or exposing a lie, that nobody else would know.

    So now the society under control by satan, has removed all damage that can be done by elders and all leadership, they control all leadership now.

    But more power is still needed. What about people the lower ranks who find out, they can do damage as well. ALSO those who have left.

    in 1983 a big change, major things on apostacy and also to disfellowship anybody who speaks to an ex member or reads anything from an ex member. Now full damage control, full power of leadership and covered the holes that members can do and even ex members.

    Now many more saying they are anointed, this is the last hole to fill, they can claim to get understanding too, since the GB just represents them, so by saying only they are the faithful slave, then the anointed do NOT get understanding, so they are not to be listened to, and this is absolute full power, abolutely nothing for those full obeying ones to mess things up now.

    Now.....IF Satan was behind all of this, if this isn't just man who is getting power. Let's look at what is being taught compared to the scriptures, what is being done.

    First, the scriptures, the entire new testament show that there will be much forgiveness for sins. but there is one thing which will mess you up bad, if you JUDGE others. They say, if you HOWEVER judge others, YOU will get the SAME JUDGEMENT.

    What do JW's preach? That THEY have the truth, it doesn't matter how good you are, how much you follow Jesus, if you DON'T have the truth, you WILL DIE!!!!

    So Satan has put God in a real position here.....even if he would forgive everything, if he has to hold on to the judgement part, every single JW WILL DIE because they are judging the world on having the truth when they themselves do not have it!!!

    All the scriptures teach that the holy spirit, the anointing, etc will teach. Since they have told everybody that they CAN'T understand, that if they go against what the GB say is what the scriptures mean, that it's wrong and it's a trick from satan. So....if God is trying to use holy spirit to move them to wake up, if they see things in the bible that hit their conscience, they will reject the holy spirit and put the GB above God and the bible, they are now guilty of IDOLATRY as well.

    Since the GB have said that apostates would be put to death, but since it's not allowed in the law, that it's done spiritually, that those who have been spiritually put to death for speaking the truth and doing good, are as Revelation spoke up, and even Jesus, his people being delivered to synagoges and put to death, etc, so they are guilty of bloodshed, they would have done it like Islam people if the law allowed it.

    All the abuses, the coverups, the whitewashing, in the scriptures are persecuting abusing his sheep, it's all prophesied. Infact if you read the 1938 WT when all these changes were made, it's a big irony that all those scriptures were quoted and how Rutherford pointed out satan was controlling all these religions, the clergy, etc, and how absolute control allowed bad evil ones of satan to mislead and run the show, how what he did was doing exactly that.

    This Trap of JW's also does one other great thing for Satan. This is a trap to catch those who were good people, who wanted to serve God. IF....IF any awoke, then most would be so damaged they would fully give up or turn athiest.

  • EndofMysteries

    O and one final other point.............this is also a big eye opener.

    Satan knows that right now those who may wake up to false religion, if they knew the true doctrine of JW's, they would not go to it in a long shot.

    SO..................he will use TRUTH, on what JW's believe, on how to read the says holy spirit and understand. Bottom line nothing taught to interested ones will mention the truth on disfellowshipping, the truth on how to understand and DECEPTION, a tool of satan is used to hook them, and then slowly once hooked, the satanic doctrine is taught after their defenses are lowered or gone. Look at what they preach and you know it's different on what they teach on the inside.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    I hate to spoil your new light , but the bible already stated Satan is God of this system of things, he was cast to the Earth, Rules the entire earth.

    And yes, the WTS is part of the Babylon The Great...Satans Children........unless they COMPLETELY CLEAN UP their act.......that is if you believe in the bible...

  • MrFreeze

    Satan isn't real. He is a scare tactic. There, problem solved.

  • sabastious

    EoM, have you read the life story of Richard Rawe? It's a first hand take at how congregational overseers (it used to be a single elder with two assistants who governed congregations) were treated when they were commanded by the society to appoint elders who were not qualified to do the job. Fairly reasonable qualifications were given, but if no men from the congregation met them, as the case with Rawe was, the inferior men were still given power by the society. To me this was done purposefully in order to destroy men of conscience, like Rawe, while creating a state of chaos and panic among the sheep and future generations (us) so that control, as you say, can be more easily applied. The Watchtower has sins that have stacked up so high, it's not really fathomable to me how much they have done to people. It's simply breathtaking.


  • Elephant

    The Watchtower has sins that have stacked up so high, it's not really fathomable to me how much they have done to people. It's simply breathtaking.


    ...for a second after reading this, i thought i was reading an excerpt of a watchtower publication...

  • EndofMysteries

    Sab - nope haven't read it but thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

  • jookbeard

    no chance in a billion that an entity called Satan has ever existed, phenomenal fantasy.

  • EndofMysteries

    jookbeard - well if he doesn't, then maybe you can admit that if he did, that how the WT has panned out from start till now is exactly what he would have done

  • Leolaia

    Satan is an idea. A powerful idea like many other ideas, but I see no proof presented here that Satan is more than an idea.

    If anybody ever read the two babylons book, it detailed how christianity became corrupt.

    That book is ridiculous.

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