hobo ken
good on you and thanks for sharing.
this post is to expose the unethical, un-scriptural actions of the men involved in the "judicial" processes of jehovah's witneses.
the lack of fair minded impartial justice shown to me during my "judicial" case is a result of what they (the elders) are directed to do by the governing body of jehovah's witnesess.
many people have been through similar and will do again in the future, sadly.
hobo ken
good on you and thanks for sharing.
despite the watchtower's drumbeat of anti-higher education rhetoric, they are tragically misguiding their followers about the relationship between a college education and job prospects.
i ran across this tidbit in my internet travels:.
who will struggle in 2011http://finance.yahoo.com/news/who-will-struggle-in-usnews-1712944905.html?x=0.
I so agree, truman. I also endorse getting educated as it will help one cope emotionally with the recession even if there don't seem to be many jobs around.
A staunch JW I know who has also been focusing on their education really surprised me recently. They started talking about the evolution of the eye to explain something. I managed to quickly get over my surprise and agree wholeheartedly.
mine was a 1986 ford courier i got after working a summer and obtaining $600.00.
it was a beater and i named him earl.
like this one just white and more zombified:.
I must say that VW beetle does look very impressive, tenyearsafter
mine was a 1986 ford courier i got after working a summer and obtaining $600.00.
it was a beater and i named him earl.
like this one just white and more zombified:.
some nice cars
in an effort to increase the praise and honor to jehovah and jesus christ at the time of the memorial, the governing body has arranged for a special period of increased activity during april 2011.
you will be pleased to learn that during april 2011, publishers who wish to serve as auxiliary pioneers may indicate on the application whether they will be working toward a 30-hour or 50-hour requirement for the month.
this is a special arrangement for the month of april 2011 only.
thanks yknot. luv, huggles and happy new year to you and anony lurker too
what was so controversial about this that it was left out of more than one manuscript?.
this is taken from john 8:1-11 of the nwt.
* manuscripts ?bsys omit verses 53 to chapter 8, verse 11, which read (with some variations in the various greek texts and versions) as follows:.
One reason I like these verses is that no condemnation could be given on the basis of Jesus reasoning (brings to question the doctrine of disfellowshipping). This in the true essence is what it means to be Christ-like (if one chooses to adopt Christianity as thier belief system). The other reason is that he told her to "practice sin no more". That is a very philosophical statement in my opinion. He knew no one could be sinless, all we can do is practice (do the best we can in order to sin less). Thoughts anyone? iawia |
excellent point iawia and I agree with your conclusions. I wonder if it is left out of some manuscripts because it so freeing and particularly as the adulterous woman would have been a marginalised member of society. And perhaps it would also have challenged authoritarian structures of the day. Jesus seems to give the woman autonomy and dignity not condemnation
this newspaper article published in a capital news paper reports this including an interview with a watchtower spokesman.. it seems that less than half of the bethelites will be transferred to the german branch in selters that will supervise the work in switzerland from 2011.also, it seems that the branch offices in austria and luxembourg will undergo the same transition.
the remaining bethelites will stay on in switzerland, some will go on as full time pioneers.. .
thanks for sharing this inquiryman
but i find it equally hard to believe in the evolution theory .
so for now, i chose not to believe in anything but myself and love.
that was all.
cofty said
Be careful you don't get your image of the natural world from Walt Disney. Symbiosis is wonderful but its at one end of the spectrum of parasitical behaviour that is the norm in nature. Nature is "red in tooth and claw" - Tennyson |
you are warning me about getting my image of the natural world from Walt Disney and you are quoting a poet - now this is ironic
eedit: okay as I want to be helpful - here is a good book - - it is entitled Demons in Eden and is by Jonathan Silvertown
but i find it equally hard to believe in the evolution theory .
so for now, i chose not to believe in anything but myself and love.
that was all.
newborn I'm going to return to your opening post to suggest another means of understanding evolution. You said
but I find it equally hard to believe in the evolution theory so for now, I chose not to believe in anything but myself and love That was all /Newborn |
Your second sentence "so for now, I chose not to believe in anything but myself and love" suggests you understand more than you know. To explain I'm going to add another word/concept to symbiosis - involution which refers to a taking to oneself or a rolling inwards. And this is what often happens in evolution. An organism forms an alliance (which to me is like love, reciprocity etc) which it takes into itself (involution) and both members of the alliance are changed in unexpected ways. This to me is evolution in a nutshell. I find it so fascinating that often we understand things subconsciously long before we can entertain then consciously.
I invite challenges to this hypotheisis as I learn best when being proved wrong.
there are four different links on sendspace.com .
each link is one of the pages of the letter here are the links.
page 1 http://www.sendspace.com/file/03vk19.
thanks Idrnomo