When it comes to North Korea, the general theme of narratives is very negative. A lot of that surely emanates from western governments, who if they think they may one day wish to blast the sh*t out of a country, peddle as much disinformation as they can about the place.
But every now and again along comes a story that runs counter to all we believe (have you been there before? grin). You can find one such story in the GlobalPost, of October 31, 2012.
The story is head-lined, " North Korea's Not as Crazy as Everyone Says." It's written by a Swiss businessman who lived there for 7 years. Well, right off, that arouses some curiousity, does it not? Does he have some hidden ulterior motive for the article? Or, (just maybe) is the USA about to start a new narrative about NK? I recall about 18 months before the recent changes started in Myanmar there suddenly was, "New light" about the place.
You can find Felix Abt's article at:
And, I'll finish this post with the opinion, that if, in 1948 I'd had to go an live in Korea, I would have preferred NK, to South Korea. Why? The evidence is plain, that at that point in the game, NK was better run that SK. The US had imported Syngman Rhee, a poisonous rattle-snake if ever there was one, to run SK. It cost the South Korean people a lot of blood to get rid of him in 1960, but for those years SK was a much worse place to live than NK, excepting for the war years.
Of course, it didn't stay that way, but that's another story.
Sat for an exam on Korea today, thats the end of the academic year for me. (smile) - 40 questions, I knew most, but had to guess the answer for five of them. My late friend, who was a long term academic, told me - always make an educated guess - you just may guess correctly.