Concerned JW wrote:
I am pretty sure Steve Hassan did not mean for it to be used as a "How to spot a Cult" book
To help clear up any misunderstanding you might have about his intentions, here is an excerpt:
How does one learn how to discern whether or not a group is a destructive cult? What are the crucial elements that separate benign organizations from dangerous ones? In this chapter I attempt to point out in greater detail the general characteristics of destructive cults so that you can protect yourself from their influence. In doing so, I try to answer some of the more frequently asked questions about cults. Last, I include a list of questions which anyone can use to begin evaluating a group. - from Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan, pp 95-96.
The above excerpt demonstrates that part of his intention was in fact "how to spot a cult," as you put it, although there is more to his intention than that. Spotting a cult is only part of what the book is about. He also discusses ways of helping people who are in cults.
I personally found the book to be an excellent read. If you have time, I recommend it.