Hi All!
Thanks for all the nice words!
Julie, I remember well our discussions - and I have had those with myself and my friends many a time. Naturally no information need to be lost, and there actually ARE people who are ready to "take over" for the ones of us having been in this rat-race for years. Rado Vleugel has offered to help out, and his site is maybe the best site for "filling in the gap" if the Watchtower Observer itself goes down - which may wery well be the result. But you're right. After a while you do get rather "burned out". For me it's a combination. On the one side all the work done to keep this Ex-JW stuff running has resulted in my job being neglected - and the results of that can be rather harsh - to say it mildly. So, I need to get that part together. On the other hand, I'm tired of the same stuff over and over, always having to deal with the same questions - "tons" of mails, attacks from everywhere - it's just no fun anymore. AND - May-Britt deserves some of my attention as well before I die. As you said - when some of us started up - there was no alternatives. There are now - and that means some of us can relax - and start thinking of something else but Watchtower crap.
The system the Observer is running on is a bit strange, it's a Newspaper Publishing System, which means every article disappears from the menus after 6 months. The material is still there - it's just not visible in any menu. As a result - I need to do some work to keep the material already in the site visible.
Naturally, I could do that - "update" all articles every 6 months. But I don't feel like just running a "dead" site - and I just can't spend the neccesary time any more. The situation is still the same as when I left here - I don't have the time. The good thing is I'm not into any kind of "competition" about who gets who as readers/users. And I believe it would be a nice thing if Rado's site could get all the visitors from the Observer. I don't know his deal with the ISP, but it would mean about 200 MB a day in download for HTML files only - and you can quickly add this figure up considerably if documents and images are downloaded. The Observer has between 3.500 and 5000 page-views a day - and I do feel a strange responsibility for all those readers.
But, I'm sure this will be sorted out - and a reasonable effective solution will be found.
Again, thank you for all the nice words, it do mean a lot! Thousands and thousands of hours has gone down in the Watchtower Observer. Not only for the site itself, but to keep stuff updated. Finding interesting material, sorting out false information, checking and double checking, finding news from all over the world, and so on. It's great to know people like Rado will keep up this job, and I believe his site could do a great job in the future. It already does!
On the other hand, the Watchtower Observer is some kind of an institution - being one of the oldest Ex-JW sites online - which is also worth some consideration. But, I'm confident there will be good solutions found.
All this said - thank you folks! Keep up the good job! And, Simon - even though I've made arrangements for my DB to be kept open, it's not a competition. It's more an alternative, a variety of choises - which I do believe is a good thing. I've never had any "war" with you, and I'm sorry you felt I did.
Yachyd Da, Folks!