Topics Started by Kent
The Watchtower EDIT Wikipedia!
by Kent inthe watchtower is editing the wikipedia and information written about them.
the evidence is here:.
MSNBC Catches Pedophiles On Camera
by golf2 inevery monday night starting 10pm, msnbc along with authorities trap pedophiles who have made internet arrangements to have sex with under-age children are filmed and exposed to the public.
this passed monday night, they arrested 21 pedophiles making such arrangements.
the one that caught my interest was the pedophile having to travel 350 miles (one way) to have sex with a teenager!
I joined the YMCA last week!
by alias in... and as i was filling out the application there was a line that said: .
"please note: if you are one of jehovah's witnesses, you may not join our organization!
ha, ha, just kidding!
Are JW's generally better than average people?
by JH ini for one, would blindly trust just about anyone on this forum, just the fact of knowing that you already were a jw.. does this mean that jw's in general are better people or are we a very close bunch of people?.
by Kent inhere is another story about the "loving" jws and child custody.. a wicked foster mum who brutalised, tortured and starved three children over almost two decades was jailed for 14 years yesterday.
Spent, spent, spent - pools winner now living on £87 a week
by Kent inthe jws shouldn't gamble, should they?
take a look at this one: as a lottery winner vows to spend, spend,spend, the mail tracks down the woman who coined that phrase - pools winner viv nicholson.
five husbands later, she's a jehovah's witness living on 87 a week...
What forbidden music did you listen to?
by brinjen init may have been done before, if it has it's being done again.. what worldly music did you listen to?
i'm talking about the singer/band that made the elders blood boil and got you whispers and stares at the kingdom hall.. i was an eighties child so for me it was madonna!
the lacy tops and bras, crucifixes, slutty makeup and openess towards sex was the perfect outlet for me.
Where did JesusGet this Idea From?
by gumby inas we all know, jesus many times quoted the old law, but then he'd give a further application of that law.
one example is the passage in matthew 5:43,44 which says, "you must love your neighbor and hate your enemy (44) however i say to you, you must love your enemy and pray for those persecuting you".. so, the question is....where did jesus get the idea from which says "you must hate your enemy"?
did the 'law' teach this idea?.
JW'S neither Catholic nor Protestant? WHAT, THEN?
by Terry inthe main split in christianity (between catholics and protestants) is the issue of who tells you what to do and how they tell you.
the catholic church has staked out the "chain of evidence" theory which is sacred tradition.
the church has all authority in faith and morals.. protestants (since martin luther) cling to the assertion that the bible alone can give instruction directly, or; sola scriptura.