To peaceloveharmony,
Yes there is supposed to be a limit as to how much the courts can with hold. And sometimes the courts do get ridiculous and set an amount that's low but set the arrears high. Usually, if the cs is low and the ncp owes arrears, they'll set the arrears high. If the cs is high, they'll set the arrears low. Overtime, since its not promised to you, isn't supposed to be counted, but many times it is. Where I'm from, Buffalo,NY, its 17% for 1, 25% for 2, 29% for 3, 31% for 4 and no more than 35% for 5 or more kids. The courts do try to be slick and then the ncp's end up dragging the cp's back to court. Many times, the judge will tell the ncp, depending on if they get paid weekly or biweekly. Come back after you have 2 checks and lets see what your check looks like and we'll make the changes then. I feel, you go off of what my employer says I make and after taxes, cs and all come out, if I don't have enough to pay my bills, rent, gas,electric, food, bus card or gas, my essential items, its getting lowered.