I understand about the ncp coming to court and ready to lie and finding out that they have other income on the side. I'm referring to the ncp's who only have 1 income and who are struggling themselves. Of course if you have a kid or kids out there, take care of them. I believe that the cp should be working regardless to if they are getting cs or not. Not every one has the $$$$$ to send their kid(s) to private school. You got the skies and the instruments, all these material things. These are things that you want for the child, not need. Don't get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with an exta activities, but sometimes people can go over board. And I do understand cs and the court system all to well. My husband has been playing the court room game since 1994. His ex takes him to court when ever she feels he's not doing what she wants and she gets pissed off. Since 1994, her kids cs has changed 3 times. From 1994-1996, it was $100 a month cause she lied in court, my husband, then at the time was my boyfriend, he caught her lie and threatened to expose her and the judge saw through it. She was asking for $75 every 2 weeks, and the judge made it $50 every 2 weeks cause he saw through her lies. That lasted til May of 1996, she took him back and the courts saw that he had made $17,000 for the year of 1995. That was overtime but its not like he made that annually and the judge went off that. The judge never once asked him for his pay stubs, if he would've seen them, he would've saw that he only brings home around $250 every 2 weeks. The judge talked as through that was his income yearly. The ex lied and said her income was only $9000 knowing she had at least 3 incomes at the time, and they weren't the kind of work that you had to leave the house for. They made him pay $82 a week and we were in poverty until 1999. I had a job to but because I was going to college ft, I couldn't work ft, and we had a kid at home to. There were times he'd bring home checks for $80 every 2 weeks. And because he owed her arrears, they took an extra $10 a week, that's almost $370 a month. At that time, he should've only been paying $65 a week. He finally got it lowered in September of 99, he took it to court in Jan of 99, the judge didn't want to lower it. He told the judge, your putting me in poverty, we both know she's lieing about everything, you've asked her no proof of anything. I have no problem with of taking care of her kids but would you prefer for me to pay a reasonable amount that I can afford and I can still pay my bills or would you prefer me to continue paying this high amount, can't pay my bills and then I find a way to leave my job so I don't have to pay? IT finally got lowered to $50 a week, which was what he could afford to pay and be able to live. Every one's circumstances are different. I know of the court system all to well. There was 1 year that her oldest daughter stayed with us for a month and a half, and they were getting their cs. I brought it up to my husband that your paying for this child and she's here with us, does that make sense to you? He took her to court for that month and a half. The courts gave him credit for the month and a half and she had to pay him for that time. She was mad about it. She tried to take him to court to raise the kids money because she was mad that she had to pay for her kid and she felt that she shouldn't have had to pay a dime. I told her, since you have custody, he has to pay. If he had custody, you'd better believe you'd have to also. He knows that all the money he pays doesn't go on the kids. That same year, a few months earlier. Now this was before her money was lowered to $50. She brought a new bed set for a little over $600. She complained 2 weeks later how she was broke and that her electricity was about to be cut off cause she owed $600. Hello. That bed set you brought with your kids money had nothing to do with them, for someone's electric, gas or any bill to get up to $600, it must have been building up for months. Your kids use electricity and the cs you get should be used to pay your bills. But yet and still you can afford to buy a new bed set for your self. Something doesn't add up. That's what most ncp's ( mostly guys) complain about, is that the $$$$ isn't being spent on the kids. The ncp's have no proof of what's going on and its not right.