Posts by aqwsed12345

  • slimboyfat

    Do JWs believe Jesus is an angel?

    by slimboyfat in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    i would suggest:.

    the short answer is yes.. the longer answer is a qualified yes, with some caveats.

    the short answer is yes because jehovah’s witnesses teach that jesus is michael the archangel, their leader, eldest and most powerful, and have taught this since the very beginning of the religion.

    1. peacefulpete
    2. peacefulpete
    3. peacefulpete
  • aqwsed12345


    What I resist the most is the silly, Hislopian approach that automatically creates geneology from analogy. The fact that one concept resembles another does not mean that it originates from the other.

    Alexander Hislop's methodology involves drawing superficial parallels between Catholic practices and ancient pagan rituals. Whenever there is even a minor similarity, he concludes that the Catholic practice is pagan in origin. This approach falls prey to the genetic fallacy, which mistakenly assumes that the origin of an idea determines its current validity.

    For example, Hislop equates the Catholic practice of using round communion wafers with the sun-worship of ancient Egypt, solely based on the round shape of both objects. The fallacy of correlation = causation undermines Hislop's argument. He asserts that because pagan cultures practiced something similar to Christian rites, the Christian practices must have originated from paganism. This assumption fails to acknowledge the possibility of independent development

    This is what happens here too, some researcher outlines a similarity and then assumes without any concrete evidence that one concept is an adaptation of another. Well, this is fine for a conspiracy theorist with a tin foil hat, but we would expect more from a researcher.

    Here, too, what evidence was presented that this concept specifically influenced, or even caused, the Christology of the New Testament or the early church? Nothing. A similitude was drawn, the end result having to engage itself in the reader's brain.

    This approach is simply primitive and frivolous, not to mention it ignores what Justin Martyr already knew, see logos spermatikos.