I don't think that applies to Canada. We still get so much junk mail deposited in our mail boxes
JoinedPosts by Quarterback
JW internal warfare threatens the Tract campaign
by Quarterback ini overheard this argument re the new tract campaign.
one elder told a publisher, to hide the tract in the mailbox if the home owner wasn't home.
the publisher was used to folding the tip of the tract, and just left a tip showing.
JW internal warfare threatens the Tract campaign
by Quarterback ini overheard this argument re the new tract campaign.
one elder told a publisher, to hide the tract in the mailbox if the home owner wasn't home.
the publisher was used to folding the tip of the tract, and just left a tip showing.
I overheard this argument re the new tract campaign. One Elder told a publisher, to hide the tract in the mailbox if the home owner wasn't home. The publisher was used to folding the tip of the tract, and just left a tip showing. This Elder freaked out over this. "We are not following the FDS, he declared".
The KM in 2000 states, " to not make the tract invisible to passersby's". The publisher said, " it was invisible to passersby's."
This after the first week of the magnificent 100th anniversary tract campaign. Stay tuned, this may get bloody.
Need help understanding scriptues in Mathew. just trying to show my wife the BORG is soooo wrong
by goingthruthemotions inas you know i am still in but have no strong conviction for this cult..but i still go because my wife is still asleep to the false teachings.
for a few months now...when we have family study it is stricly from the bible.
which is great, while we study we are taking the bible as it is, i think it is opening her eyes and how important jesus is.
Never argue with the wife. That's the best advice I could give you. Even when she is wrong, she is right.
What is this new Announcement to take place in August?
by Quarterback injust heard from an elder.
he told me that there is another change to be announced in august.
he didn't know more about it.. any other info?.
The latest I heard about this update is that it will be featured in the Nov study article of the WT. This will be released soon.
Are you interested in dropping your southern accent?
by jam inwell you are in luck, oak ridge national laboratory in.
tn offered a class for their 4000 employees from 90. different countries, get this,a class that teaches how to.
minimice a southern accent.
Said from the platform: "You are not surviving Armaggedon if you are spiritually weak"
by Daniel1555 intoday i was at the meeting (i go there about once a month now).
in the service meeting they had a part where they interviewed the secretary of the congregation.. so one question was: "why are the service reports so important?".
our secretary explained that the reports are important, because the elders can see, who is spiritually weak.
I heard that speech over 10 yrs ago, from the COBE. That COBE was deleted by the new CO who felt that he wasn't active enough.
The WT has written that you will be judged from your heart condition, not your works. That is why people get discouraged. They are getting mixed messages
PEER PRESSURE!!! I gave in to Pioneering during August...I feel dirty...
by stuckinarut2 inok, i'll admit it...i am weak.... as everyone knows, the pressure to "pioneer" during "the most momentous, awesome, amazing, centenary anniversay of jesus invisble kigdom rule, & distribute tracts about a dodgy website" campaign is very strong at the moment.... also, many will have read my threads about the extreme views and expectations in our cong for "all appointed men to pioneer" etc..... every elder and ms and their families have been announced as pioneering....i mean everyone's name was read out except mine..... i was not going to do it, as i do not believe anyone should be forced...(and of course its the last thing on earth i would rather do anyway since learning ttatt).
but i am not quite ready to make the break yet, so i realised that i would stand out more if i didnt put in a form to pioneer.
yes it would make me more conspicious, and make fading harder to do...it would bring more heat on me if i didnt pioneer.. so i gave in and submitted a form.... now, of course, i'm only going to make sure i'm seen at the key field service groups etc...but then go and do something more interesting...like count blades of grass..... ahh....i feel hypocritical to myself now......
OMG, I did it too. I was afraid to tell everyone here, but you gave me the courage to speak out.
GB member Anthony Morris mentions concerned JW letter at RC
by Acluetofindtheuser ingb member anthony morris mentioned a letter that was sent to bethel by a concerned jw fearing the gt.
he mentioned it on the last sunday talk.
i always wondered if any letter sent to bethel ever reached gb eyes.
I can imagine this happening on CNN when Wolf reads someone's blog. Does he start it by saying, "Now here is a blog from someone who is not that bright".
Doesn't Anthony know that he embarassed all those who could of, written that letter?
BOE 2014-07-12 Use of jw.org
by WatchTower87 into all bodies of elders.
the jw.org roles (s-135) form is also available at the forms link.
the congregation secretary should arrange for this letter to be retained in the congregation permanent file of policy letters.
September Offer
by Quarterback inwell, now that we had an outstanding august, an extention to aux pioneer in september is being offered.
you can offer the jw.org tract again, and again, and again.
offer it at the dr's office, the gym, the laundromat, the theatre, the bus stops, etc.