That is really a sign of Dominance, my vet told me. OMG. Dominance could be natural.
JoinedPosts by Quarterback
How do BACs and JWs explain animals that practice "homosexual" activities?
by booker-t ini absolutely love watching the animal channel and just observing the animal kingdom has really brought up some serious questions for any devout anti-gay religions such as born-again christians(bacs) and jws.
some animals such as deers practice lesbianism when there is no male deer around.
i almost fell out of my chair when watching this.
Chariot is on the move, but slowly
by Quarterback inhere is the thing.
the gb is playing this up.
they are feeding the hopes of millions about changes to come.
It's really our fault. We seem to be provideding it with fuel.
Chariot is on the move, but slowly
by Quarterback inhere is the thing.
the gb is playing this up.
they are feeding the hopes of millions about changes to come.
Here is the thing. The GB is playing this up. They are feeding the hopes of millions about changes to come. "Are you getting ready to Obey?" They ask.
What has changed so far? The financial arrangement, More work to do in the FS, four times a year to sucker individuals to get 30 hrs a month of FS. Methods of appointment. New Translation of Bible,
Methods of motivations has changed, but, there is still the same stuff that plagues us, Shunning, Fear the end, working for men's agenda, you're still a good for nothing slave and expect nothing.
The chariot is on the move, but, it's the same stops, the same route. The signs on the bus have changed but it is the same bus. The bus till smells the same.
11-15 WT- Drinking before meetings
by Absalom into be holy, we must weigh the scriptures carefully and do what god asks of us.
consider aarons sons nadab and abihu, who were executed for offering unauthorized fire, perhaps while inebriated.
So parents are not to morn their DF'd children's death when they are scorched by Jah for drinking on a wrong occasion, but, we are to tolerate Elders with booze on their breath when they stand on the platform and tell us to preach not the gospel, but JW.ORG?
If a parent of a convicted murderer, who is condemed by the law and receives their death sentence could mourn, and God accepts that, why in God's name sake can't we mourn our DF'd child's death? Because some ancient priest's sons were put to death? Didn't Jesus parable about the Prodical son teach us something?
Nov 2014 WT, much about nothing, or is it?
by Quarterback inthe article "why we must be holy" ties in obedience as being holy.
there is a subheading in this article that states " prove yourselves holy by being obedient".
par 9 quotes three brothers who had some conflicts, but they went along with the org.
The article "Why We Must Be Holy" ties in obedience as being Holy. There is a subheading in this article that states " Prove Yourselves Holy by Being Obedient". par 9 quotes three brothers who had some conflicts, but they went along with the Org.
Get ready for some commands to come.
Expect JW.ORG figures to be inflated for August
by Quarterback ini find myself trying to access the website, too often, to access the november wt.
this wt is supposed to contain the details of the changes.
so far, nothing.. i think that others are trying to do the same thing just to read about those details.
Thanks, I just read it.
It wasn't that great as the hype had indicated.
Bethel experiences sound like a prison sentence.Why even go?
by goingthruthemotions inwhen i read about bethel experiences my mind go to the show locked up raw!.
why would someone subject themselves to this without commeting a crime.. the wife and i went to see bethel in broklyn a few years ago and it was unlike anything i expected.
very cold.. went the bosert hotel and was talking to a brother there and asked how long he had been there, he said 25 years...i asked how old he was.
Bethel is the new Orange
Expect JW.ORG figures to be inflated for August
by Quarterback ini find myself trying to access the website, too often, to access the november wt.
this wt is supposed to contain the details of the changes.
so far, nothing.. i think that others are trying to do the same thing just to read about those details.
I find myself trying to access the website, too often, to access the November WT. This WT is supposed to contain the details of the changes. So far, nothing.
I think that others are trying to do the same thing just to read about those details. I suspect that the WT ORG has this as a strategy to brag about the numbers, and to take credit for their campaign, when they claim how many hits they are achieving.
Bible Highlights (from the book of Numbers) : Was Zipporah the Cushite wife of Moses in Numbers 12:1 ?
by raymond frantz inwas zipporah the cushite wife of moses in numbers 12:1 ?
(click the link above to readf the full post).
"now miriam and aaron began to speak against moses because of the cushite wife he had married, for he had taken a cushite wife.
Moses's father in law was a Midianite. The Midianite tribe originated from one of Lot's daughters. She apparrently was the same Zipporah. It's quite possible that the Cushites (from Ethiopian) had some connection with the Midianites.