We are supposed to have a new CO effective this September. What do you think about the guy that left?
JoinedPosts by Quarterback
Are sad to see your CO go?
by Quarterback inwe are supposed to have a new co effective this september.
what do you think about the guy that left?.
If the Governing Body Told You They Love You All Very Much, What Would Your Reply Be?
by steve2 inin a letter in the 2013 yearbook of jehovah's witnesses, the governing body sign off with the words, "we love you all very much".
these words were later echoed by one of the governing body in an address to french jehovah's witnesses in july this year.
these words sound so marvellously compelling and heartfelt - goosebump inducing, even.. imagine the governing body wrote these words to you or expressed them to you in person- yes to you reading these very words.
Yes, but I still think that we should see other people, like DF'd ones.
2014 SNAP Conference in Chicago; Report by Barbara Anderson & Kerry Louderback Wood
by AndersonsInfo in2014 snap conference report.
posted on august 20, 2014 by barbara.
from august 1 3, kerry louderback wood* and i attended the 2014 annual snap** conference, which was also its twenty-fifth anniversary celebration, in chicago, illinois.. .
I couldn't carry the load that you have chosen. All the best with your work.
Gerrit Losch talks to poor South Americans about Materialism while wearing THREE (3) gold rings and 2 gold cuff links...
by Calebs Airplane inhe also talks trash about higher education .... (for those who know some spanish, view this youtube video...).
what an idiot.. .
Da...don't get an education.
Da...don't travel abroad, and get a better paying job.
Da....stay at home and make a Volks Wagon...a good german automobile...Far-Fig-Nugent.
Go Bag
by notsurewheretogo inmy still-in wife has asked we prepare a "go-bag" with all the stuff we need in case of a natural disaster....we live in a country where there is none!.
but when i asked where this all came from she mentioned hurricanes etc but again we live in an area where they can never be things like this.. thus i suspect this is a society based instruction...can anyone enlighten me?.
are the society advising dubs to be doom preppers???
MyGo Bag consists of a good size Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey.
What would you do if JW's lifted the shunning policy?
by bsand20 inhave you guys asked yourself that question?
what if the gb decided that "new light" revealed to them that disfellowshipping was wrong and they would do away with it for current dfd members as well...... .......16 years of my life.
would i welcome my family back?
I would throw a party/feast. The kind of party that is indicated in the story of the Prodical Son.
October 1914? Really?
by sylvlef inkm august 2014, page 3 paragraph 6(article for this week's service meeting):.
"the month of october 2014 will see the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the kingdom.
for this occasion a special edition of the watchtower will be on this theme.".
So what? Now that August is almost over, and they have hyped up this month, now they are moving to the next project. They have a reason for us to get up off our couch. Here is what other events we can look forward to
Nov = Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire
Dec= Christmas truces declared amoung the nations ( we won't advertising that one
Jan = Armaggeddon
The Noah Movie
by Quarterback inwell, i saw it.
you better get ready for everyone's talk about it.. it was 25 % biblical, 75 % fantasy.. noah was mean as a character, his family was great.
methusala, was an old fart..
I saw Nebraska last night. I enjoyed it and felt that it was realistic, although in black and white. I would recommend this one over Noah
Accused Rapist, Angela Montgomery, a JW, goes to trial Sept. 2-5, 2014 in Tennessee
by AndersonsInfo infirst article to appear in the newspaper on sept. 5, 2012:.
former resident returns to 'boro to face accusations [murfreesboro, tennessee].
11:03 pm, sep 5, 2012 | https://www.tennessean.com/article/d4/20120906/news/309060021/mother-charged-2-rapes.
How do BACs and JWs explain animals that practice "homosexual" activities?
by booker-t ini absolutely love watching the animal channel and just observing the animal kingdom has really brought up some serious questions for any devout anti-gay religions such as born-again christians(bacs) and jws.
some animals such as deers practice lesbianism when there is no male deer around.
i almost fell out of my chair when watching this.
That is really a sign of Dominance, my vet told me. OMG. Dominance could be natural.