Wow, 28 Million Dollars was paid out to settle this claim?
Do we have proof of this?
i thought it would be important to clearly point in the recent talk by governing body member stephan lett, that he did in fact deliberately lie concerning what he described as lies and false information by apostates, concerning the organization being permissive toward people in the organization who had been involved in pedophilia.
the truth of the matter is thats exactly what the organization has been doing and perhaps for a long time.
the recent candace conti law suit where she was awarded 28 million dollars was levied against the wts for its irresponsible behavior by the elders who gave no notification of the accused jonathan kendrick that he had been charged with pedophilia and spent months in jail for his actions .
Wow, 28 Million Dollars was paid out to settle this claim?
Do we have proof of this?
after almost 24 years in the school and doing it since i was nine years old, i officially resigned.
it has become increasingly difficult to prepare talks, especially with the new format for brothers.
i did not mind doing them; i actually put the time and effort into getting them out.
I think about a third of our cong has graduated(quit) the TMS. I predict that more will drop now with the renewed counselling arrangement. The TMS Overseer's wife has even quit the school. Now and then she makes an appearance as a householder.
Nice graduation cake, Billy.
i understand that warwick is to be the new world headquarters of jws, patterson is an educational complex, and walkill is a literature production center.
will patterson continue to be used as it is now after the completion of warwick?
if not, what will happen to it?
please understand i have nothing against islam.
i have something against alpha muslim men.. i was walking my cute little chihuahua mix in the park the other day when darts off sniffing since i am using a retractable extension leash and i am not minding the fact that he comes up on a muslim family and gets within a foot of them.
the paterfamilias gives me a dirty look and then says something to his wife and i can make out the word "saif" which is arabic for "sword.
current update- the wife and i are separated.
i dont go to the meetings or in service but im not df, or da.
she is not budging.. problem- my wife has made it clear that she doesnt want me back unless i do all the witness stuff, i have even offered to attend meetings but not participate in commenting or go in service and this is not good enough.
If you don't feel the love, then consider if you can move on. Talk to a Lawyer who can spell it out for you. You can get a unscriptural divorce without congregational consequences. If you find someone who you love and admire, and she shares the same for you, then the sacrifice is worth it.
It's all about pursueing happiness, regardless the costs.
just thinking, and speculating here.
who would have even immagined a tv channel as a change.
what could top that?.
How sad, Somewhatnow.
i think its pretty clear that the gb are power hungry.
you cannot listen to the branch visit and not see clear as day that there are some of them that are loving the power.
it showed the clearest with anthony morris.. now all these sex abuse scandals and news media are taking their power away.
I sense that the Leaders are Pwer hungry, with a small percentage hanging in hoping to make a change. However, I see that not all members are willing to give them the power. Some are just hanging in waiting, hoping for improvement. The ORG is a fragile entity.
just thinking, and speculating here.
who would have even immagined a tv channel as a change.
what could top that?.
Yes, I guess you guys are right. What's wrong with me. I guess. "It's getting to look a lot like Cristmas"
judging by the material that my kid brings home on a daily basis in copius amounts.
everything about everything in elementary school goes against the doctrines of the jehovah's witnesses.
how do jw's expect to make any money if all of their kids are defecting the jw's?
Yes, Vidiot, that may be so. but, at least the children/Goldfish are grown up, have acquired skills, and have power to deal with the Predators. It's all in the way that you train them.
judging by the material that my kid brings home on a daily basis in copius amounts.
everything about everything in elementary school goes against the doctrines of the jehovah's witnesses.
how do jw's expect to make any money if all of their kids are defecting the jw's?
Yes, I agree with Awake: Watcher. Funny how this week we had a fmily gathering and we were discussing this very subject. My children who went to school remarked how many Predators they were exposed to. However they managed to escape the worse. We had no knowledge until many years went by and Justice dealt with such individuals. There was bullying, drugs, sex abuse, firearms, and all of these I couldn't remember when I went thru the school system.
If I was a parent today, Home Schooling would be a good alternative for a concerned parent.
But, if chosen, you must be prepared to be disciplined, and organised