Yes, this is exactly happening in my congregation. At least 4, inwhich I'm aware of. One was an Elder's wife. The Elder had to step down.
I think that there is definitely a flaw in the ORG with relationships. For instance, two need to work because education is frowned upon to earn a decent wage. Men rule the house. Very low pickings for the females because of the ratio of men to women, and the ORG wants the men to stay single so that they can work them in a thankless job at the Bethel facilities. Abuse is common in such relationships that leave the women to feel that there is no way out. For instance, Abuse is not a reason to obtain a scriptural divorce. The only option is to make up with the Abuser.
I know that the scripture they use is from Jesus words that state that fornication, or adultery, or death disolves a marriage. However, lets use some common sense here. Jesus was talking to the Jewish men that were getting away from divorcing their mates for silly reasons. Back then women didn't have any rights. So, Jesus was holding the men accountable for their decisions. So for centuries, so called godly men got away with holding the poor women in servitude. Thank goodness for the freedoms we enjoy today. I do not want to interpret exactly what that scripture is/how to be applied. But but I know that Jehovah watches over the afflicted one. Women are realizing that freedom from a domineering marriage is a possibility. I think that it looks good, that people are excercising thier rights, and not staying as slaves to abuse.