I remember that the Elders manual did say that you could sue your brother through an Insurance claim. Sueing for another matter such as contract breaching was always a punitive matter. I'm aware of some being swindled out of their life savings. Employees stealing from their JW employers. Tenants violating their leaase arrangements from JW Landlords. All couldn't legally sue one another due to maintaining congregation responsibilities. They were stuck, just like a person who is stuck to stay married to an abuser. But, if they did sue they were not DF'd.
JoinedPosts by Quarterback
Anyone know of df'ing for taking a br. to Court (esp. if Cdn)?
by berrygerry inmost jw's have been told that taking a fellow jw to court is wrong.. the shepherd book uses wts speak: "if an individual ignores god's word on this matter, it may affect his congregation privileges.
" (italics theirs.).
the following are from an interesting case in canada ( link ):.
Seven Shepherds Eight Dukes
by Ish Elon inwho is the assyrian?.
the article entitled seven shepherds, eight dukesawhat they mean for us today in the watchtower of the 15th november 2013 contained this important warning in paragraph 16: ain the near future, jehovahas apparently vulnerable people will come under attack from the modern-day aassyrian,a whose intent will be to wipe them out.a it goes on to say: awhat asecret weapona does micahas prophecy indicate jehovah would raise up against that implacable foeaathe assyriana?
a very unlikely oneaaseven shepherds, yes, eight dukesa!
Very good Sappy
by notsurewheretogo indid you see the post on reddit?
unconfirmed naturally and just a rumour but at at one assembly this week it was announced that the 6 members of the gb send their love.. .
there are 7 members of the gb.. .
It's almost 30 years since a X-GB member wrote a book. We need a new book
Tight Pants , a Bethel Bro replies
by Phizzy inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=8szhnltnkme.
So, tight pants are now the enemy. Quick, get your Mini skirts out of the storage. They are now in.
by notsurewheretogo indid you see the post on reddit?
unconfirmed naturally and just a rumour but at at one assembly this week it was announced that the 6 members of the gb send their love.. .
there are 7 members of the gb.. .
Well, true, or not, nothing surprises me anymore. The GB members may appear that they united, but you can be sure that inside they have disunity. I can see one day perhaps 1 or a few may be announced as, No longer a Member of the GB
Since Elders And Mini Servants Have To Be Exemplary How Does Anyone Ever Qualify?
by minimus init seems to me that you must be almost perfect to be a " servant" in the organization today.
no college, no spiritually weak in the family, no disfellowshipped living at home, no tight pants, etc......who can live up to their lofty ideals?.
Why on earth would you want that title? I consider many who don't have this title exemplary examples.
Will Elders Still Perform Marriages If The Sister Doesn't Marry At Least A Ministerial Servant?
by minimus inbased upon the last big meeting this past weekend, would it be proper for an elder to perform a wedding ceremony if the brother is not at least a mini servant?.
Baptised and breathing, LOL. Good one, Blondie.
Over here in Canada, as long as you are legal age, and pub's in good standing you can get married. It's one thing to live your life with common sense, and another thing to listen to counsel from a narrow minded individual. I wonder just how many lives, Morris has ruined with his dogmatted view.
Sweat/Yoga pants are replacing blue jeans
by Quarterback inthe news stated this week that blue jeans are not fashionable any longer.
a fad that got started as a working mans pants is being replaced by yoga pants.
or, sweat pants.
I had no idea that when I started this post that Anthony was targetting the yoga./spandex exercize clothing line
Anthony Morris' family?
by StarTrekAngel injust simple quesiton.
in one video i saw, anthony morris iii makes the comment "i come from a wealthy family, you all know that".
does anyone know who this family is?
No really, Anthony has shares in the Leulemon business.
Anthony Morris' family?
by StarTrekAngel injust simple quesiton.
in one video i saw, anthony morris iii makes the comment "i come from a wealthy family, you all know that".
does anyone know who this family is?
Anthony comes from a wealthy Italian family. Their wealth comes from the sales of Villagio bread. The family just sits around the table and repeat that name over and over. I saw that on tv,