8 Similarly today, a Governing Body composed of spirit-anointed Christians contributes to the unity of the worldwide congregation. The Governing Body publishes spiritually encouraging literature in many languages. This spiritual food is based on God's Word. Thus, what is taught is not From men but from Jehovah.-Isa. 54:13
If a minister of Christendom gave a sermon based on God's word, having taken a scripture as his theme and building on that, could/would/should we say it was not from man but rather from God. If not why not?
9 Christian overseers also promote unity by taking the lead in preaching. The spirit of companionship that unites those who work together in God's service is far stronger than the spirit that unites others in the world who merely socialize together. The Christian congregation was founded, not to function as a social club, but to honor Jehovah and to get a job done-the work of preaching the good news, making disciples, and building up the congregation. (Rom. 1: 11, 12; 1 Thess. 5:11; Heb. 10:24, 25) Thus, the apostle Paul could say of Christians: "You are standing firm in one spirit, with one soul striving side by side for the faith of the good news."-Phil.1:27.
So preaching the good news is "getting a JOB done". So much for going door to door out of love for neighbour. If, as they say, it is getting a job done, what exactly is that job? Oh. I missed that. It is the "work" of preaching and making disciples. Oh and lets not forget the "work" involved in building up the congregation, led of course by those hard "working" Christian overseers. And here I was, thinking this was all just a labour of love.