I can respect and appreciate that. However, i must speak what is true regarding the Son of God ... who he truly is.
When you come to actually "know" someone, you can't help but speak "truth" about that one.
Peace to you,
i have often wondered this.
his sole purpose in coming to earth was to make disciples and the sacrifice.
he knew this.. so why did he wait till 30 yrs of age to dedicate himself to his father?
I can respect and appreciate that. However, i must speak what is true regarding the Son of God ... who he truly is.
When you come to actually "know" someone, you can't help but speak "truth" about that one.
Peace to you,
i have often wondered this.
his sole purpose in coming to earth was to make disciples and the sacrifice.
he knew this.. so why did he wait till 30 yrs of age to dedicate himself to his father?
Greetings Francoise,
you said:
"Jesus came here to reveal:
God to Man
Man to God
Man to himself"
Jesus did NOT come to reveal God to man. Only those who believed in Jesus, the Father revealed Jesus to these ones. Once Jesus was revealed, IF JESUS' WANTS TO and ONLY if Jesus wants to, he will reveal the Father to those of whom he chooses to.
Jesus did not reveal "Man to God" for there was nothing for Jesus to reveal to God. God already "knew them all." Nor did Jesus reveal "Man to himself" because his Father's spirit revealed everything about man to Jesus.
Mark 2:8
John 2:24, 25
Matthew 11:27
Luke 10:22
Jesus came to give his soul as a ranson in behalf of many, and to be a slave to his Father, then to everyone.
It was John the Immerser who "revealed" Jesus to Israel. And it was the Father who revealed Jesus both to Israel AND to the apostles. Jesus spoke, but the apostles "believed" that he was the One.
Just as the Father revealed Jesus to Peter, so he did to John, James, and the others.
John 1:31, 41
Matthew 16:17
Matthew 17:1, 5
Matthew 8:17
will adam be resurrected?.
(anti-flipfloppery class)
Hi rutht,
you said:
"With all due respect, you agree that there are not two chances to be saved, yet you seem to be saying exactly that when you say that our flesh will be judged and then later some will also have their spirits judged."
ok, I was not saying that. I was saying that the flesh dies and returns to the dust, or Jah kills the flesh due to the sins in the flesh. When we are judged, only our spirits are judged. And if we are written in the Lambs scoll, our spirits will be granted everlasting life. If it's not written, it will be destroyed forever in the lake of fire.
This really does not make sense to me. It seems like some are getting two chances to get it right.
When the flesh dies that is not a judgement. The flesh dies because the flesh in itself cannot live forever. It is your spirit that stands judgement. Your spirit will answer to Jah for all the things you did while in the flesh. In reality, your spirit outlives your flesh. When your flesh "returns to the earth" your spirit just goes to another place and waits patiently until Judgement Day.
Also, I am curious, do you believe in a Paradise Earth as the WTS has pictured it or are your beliefs somewhat different?
There will be a "new earth" to inherit, it just won't be physical and we won't "live forever in the flesh" as the WTS says. Jesus never made such a promise, in fact he said the opposite.
John 6:63
Peace you you,
may you all have peace!.
dear crossroads, may i ask how is that we can conclude that the tree of knowledge was not to be used... or even never to be?
indeed, adam and eve were told not to eat of it, but what makes you think all beings were?
Hey Farkel,
Do spirits have stomachs, then? Do they pass waste? If so, how do they do that?
I have not heard the spirit say whether they have "stomachs" or not, but he DID say that "We do not waste food, like you do."
When we eat, our stomach breaks down the hardest parts of the food while our intestines break down the smaller components of food. While our food is absorbed through the intestines, our Body only uses 1/3 of what ever amount we eat, and discards the rest.
When spirits eat, they actually "consume" all the food and every particle makes them stronger. They don't "waste" food, they use all of it. Thus a spirit body is "more advantageous" than a "physical" limited body.
John 6:53, 54, 58 the "true manna" (you know angels' food)
If you eat more, that means you have more "what" inside you?
Having more of "that" inside you would thus make you STRONGER.
And after you consume it, does it dwell "inside you?"
may you all have peace!.
there is a bit of a debate about the resurrection, and to what type of body people will be resurrected to.
it is quite simple, and encompasses two resurrections: the 'first' resurrection... and the general resurrection.. 1. the 'first' resurrection -.
My brother, we're "friends" (assuming you WANT to be). My headache was nothing "personal" just something "spiritual" and my flesh "paid the price for it."
I have no problem whatsoever with you. ok?
Peace to you, friend
may you all have peace!.
dear crossroads, may i ask how is that we can conclude that the tree of knowledge was not to be used... or even never to be?
indeed, adam and eve were told not to eat of it, but what makes you think all beings were?
did you NOT read that spirits DO eat?
Here, try Psalms 78:25
"Men ate the very bread of ANGELS ...."
Now WHO is in "no where" land?
Peace to you,
the account of adam and eve as a literal event is so full of logical contradictions that it is mind-boggling.
it only takes a minimum of scrutiny to discover that fact, too.. there is something god did not want adam and eve to know.
he didnt want them to know the difference between good and evil.
Mr. Farkel,
You are the FIRST person, ever, for the 2 years i've been on the internet to ACTUALLY give me a Headache.
MDS, bjc, et. al. you all have your "moments" but this one, oh MY, I now have the WORST headache ever.....
Peace to you,
will adam be resurrected?.
(anti-flipfloppery class)
You said that "resurrection" means to stand again. What exactly is standing again of these dead people? Is it their spirits (which according to you returned to God the first time they died.) How can a spirit stand again? Wouldn't it already be alive with God?
Yes, it is their spirits that "stand up [again]" before the throne of God. Here's something I failed to mention. When someone dies, their flesh returns to the earth, and their spirit returns to the "true God who gave it." When a spirit returns to God, God places that spirit where he wants it. Some go to the sea, some go to 'death' some go to Had'es and some go under the altar. Where ever he decides. Like when Jesus died, and he said "Father, recieve my spirit." He recieved his spirit, but sent him to had'es to "preach a 'release' to the spirits in prision." The only spirits that are "alive" with God are the spirits that ate the flesh and drank the blood of Christ (bread and wine, John 6:53; Matt. 26:26-28).
What are the seas and the tombs giving up if the only thing standing up is their spirits which are already with God?
God sends them to the tombs when he recieves the spirits.
As you said Heb.9:27 says that man is destined to die once and then face judgment. I do not read anything about a second chance in that verse. Can you tell me where the Bible mentions anything about a second chance if we mess up the first time around?
I haven't found one either. This is why God is not "slow, but is patient because he desires no one to be destroyed, but all to attain to repentance." And this is also why the holy spirit will be sent "TO THE WORLD" and the WORLD will "know."
John 16:8-11
Also, where are these spirits located that are before the throne after they are resurrected? Did God return them to Earth or are they still in Heaven?
"The former heaven and earth fled away." These spirits are in the spirit realm, a "heaven" awaiting their judgement as to whether they will "inherit the kingdom" or be thrown into the lake of fire.
Hope this helps,
will adam be resurrected?.
(anti-flipfloppery class)
Those resurrected, will be spirits standing before the throne of God. They will not be in spirit bodies until God gives them a spirit body, just as it pleases him.
1 Corinthians 15:38
will adam be resurrected?.
(anti-flipfloppery class)
Hi rutht,
No, they will not physically die twice. The flesh dies, however the spirit must be destroyed.
This is the purpose of the Lake of fire. Just like how "physical" fire can bring death to the flesh, physically. The spiritual fire brings destruction to the spirit. this is the "real" fire. The lake that burns with fire.
When you die in the flesh, your flesh returns to the dust. You spirit "returns to the true God who gave it." That 'spirit' when judged will either recieve everlasting life and be filled with holy spirit, or be completely destroyed by being cast into the lake of fire. Destruction to the SPIRIT is the "second death," of which there is NO resurrection. The "second death" is the REAL death.
This is why he said "Fear not those who can kill the body, but after this can do nothing more."
Resurrection means "standing up [again]." The dead "come out" of had'es (the world of the dead) and "stand up again" (hence resurrected) before the throne of God. The "dead" are 'spirits' with no life in them. (John 6:53) Because they have no life in themselves, they are considered "dead." If those spirits are thrown into the lake, they have the "second death" where they cannot stand up AT ALL. They are completely destroyed.
Hope that helps,