JoinedTopics Started by kes152
MDS, bjc2012 et. al.
by kes152 inif my "not being df'd" stumbles you, you don't have to worry about that for my "hour" has drawn very close.. aside from that, my lord wants me to say something specifically to you and those who are with you (your "household").. he said to tell you:.
mds, stop this!
stop what you are doing.
Gopher, Littleone, et. al.
by kes152 ini was 'moved' to share with you the words of my lord.. he said:.
"i am the living bread that came down from heaven so that anyone may eat of it and not die.. unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves.. whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and i will resurrect him on the last day.. for my flesh is true food indeed, and my blood is true drink indeed.. whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me and i in union with him.. this is the true food that came down from heaven.
if anyone eats of it he will live for ever.".
Praying to "Jehovah"
by kes152 in"jehovah's witnesses have "jehovah" whom they pray to.... but when you pray, do you "hear" the answer as (or even after) you pray????.
indeed you do not.. "prayer" is "communication" between god and men, as they teach.
what is the point of such communication if you "pray" but hear nothing back.
How to REALLY know the "Christ of God"
by kes152 inthe master spoke saying,.
"no one knows the son except the father, and no one knows the father except the son.
and to whomever the son is willing, he reveals him.".
by kes152 inhave you yet any response to my e-mail?.
i discussed the things you were "expecting" to hear from randall, but did not hear them.. .
and don't worry, it is a discussion about what you must "eat and drink" in order for you to have 'life in yourself' which you would classify as a 'work' in union with faith in the son.... if you indeed have the 'faith' to do it..... still waiting for your response.... aaron
The 'scapegoat' arrangement.....
by kes152 inthe scapegoat is in the same position for modern-day israel as jesus was for 1st century israel.
the scapegoat is the mediator for modern-day israel.
"for there is one god, the father, and one mediator between god and men, christ jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all.
"Come be my disciple...." Matt. 11:28-30
by kes152 inquote:.
"are we disciples because we are disciples or because someone told us we are?
" - gbk 2001 .
The "Stigmata"
by kes152 infor those of you who are interested in the movie "stigmata," may you all have peace!.
in addition to that, i was moved by the spirit of my lord to respond to the "passage" that was quoted throughout the movie.
"the kingdom of the god is inside you, and all about (around) you.
A "New Creation"..
by kes152 infor those of you who want to belong to our lord, have recognized that we were "bought" with a price, there is something you all should know.. we don't have to get our 'answers' at all from men.
we don't have to seek "flesh and blood" to "come to know truth.
" we were "bought with a price" to belong to one.