Thanks for the advice, I'll check in to that tommorow.
Take care,
i need some comments and or suggestions.
much to my surprise i was contacted by my attorney this morning and he has collected the judgement that i was awarded from my lawsuit with jons' father.
after attorney fees it comes to about $12,000.00.
Thanks for the advice, I'll check in to that tommorow.
Take care,
i need some comments and or suggestions.
much to my surprise i was contacted by my attorney this morning and he has collected the judgement that i was awarded from my lawsuit with jons' father.
after attorney fees it comes to about $12,000.00.
Thanks for the tips so far,
I appreciate the thought Xena and LB, but I decided when I first started the counter suit that any money gained would go to charity. I really don't need the money, not being silly or bragging but the money I received from Jons' life insurance has put me in a position that I don't have to worry about money anymore. Due to insurance, our house was paid off when Jon passed as well as one of the cars, so after all the final expenses there was a sizeable chunk of change left, which has been invested and allows me to have financial freedom.
I'm did think about setting up a memorial scholarship in Jons' name at a local college, but 12,000.00 anymore would only pay for about 1 year, so I'm not sure. Keep the suggestions coming, it's seriously appreciated.
i need some comments and or suggestions.
much to my surprise i was contacted by my attorney this morning and he has collected the judgement that i was awarded from my lawsuit with jons' father.
after attorney fees it comes to about $12,000.00.
Greetings to all,
I need some comments and or suggestions. Much to my surprise I was contacted by my attorney this morning and he has collected the judgement that I was awarded from my lawsuit with Jons' father. After attorney fees it comes to about $12,000.00.
I've decided to donate the money to charity, but I can't decide where it might do the most good. I've narrowed it down to the cancer society, the AIDS foundation, or the local battered womens shelter.
Any suggestions? Also if there is a needy charity that you think may need it, please advise.
Thanks and take care,
as many of you know, i am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse.
i'm also a survivor of being raised a jw.
i'm also a survivor of dealing with sex abuse as a
While you're at the march, if you feel a presence on your shoulder, or a slight whisper in your ear saying something like, "ROCK ON SISTER FRIEND, KICK EM WHERE IT HURTS and PS Me love you long time!!", guess who that will be!!! Take care while you are there and know many of us here in cyber land will be with you in spirit, some literally.
Sending major warm hugs ((((Dana)))) and kisses your way,
chatting with elsewhere last week, i was surprised and not surprised that he wanted legal documents drawn up that would give medical and legal power of attorney over him not to his family, but rather to ex-jws he knows if he became incapacitated or was killed.
elsewhere is a devout atheist for one and the very thought of his parents having a jw minister (or any minister for that matter) saying a few words over his final resting place is a repugnant thought to him.
i truly understand that.
I would emplore you to get absolute legal documention of your wishes. I know you trust your husbands family to carry out your wishes, and I'm sure they would do so if the occasion should ever arise (knocking on wood, crossing fingers and toes, and wishing it never does), but take it from me, you can never know for sure what your current JW family will do. I can tell you from experience that it is 100% necessary to have your wishes legally documented. I have recently had to deal with the death of a loved one who had JW relatives so I know what can happen. Without the legal documents that were in my possesion, his family would have been given full rights to make legal and medical decisions without my consent and I would have had no legal recourse. Sorry to ramble but I just want you understand that even though you don't think your JW family would interfere, you can never be 100% sure. Even after 20 years of shunning, some of my partners family came out of the woodwork and caused some major trouble, and I wouldn't want anyone else to have the same experience.
Take care,
i've heard different "apostates" say that witnesses are so brainwashed that they would kill, if ordered by the faithful slave.
do you believe this?
Loves Dubs,
Sorry I wasn't ignoring your question, just ignoring my computer so that I could rest my brain.
My life partner was raised a JW and left the JW's in his teens. His father was the "wacko" elder that I mentioned in my last post on this thread. He had shunned my partner for 20 years but for some reason came crawling out of the woodwork when Jon passed away from cancer last fall. His father tried to put some legal moves on me and stake a claim to Jons' estate. I really feel he did that to upset me and try to prove he was on the "moral high ground". He despised the fact that Jon and I were in a committed, long term (would have been nine years a couple of weeks ago) relationship that he found "sinful". Since we had made sure that everything would be covered legally in case of the worst case scenario happening in regards to Jons' health, I was able to thwart his fathers actions. I truthfully think the fact that he wasn't able to control the situation really ticked him off so he decided to retalliate. It was hateful and nasty and in the end costly but what's done is done. Hope that answers your question.
Take care,
as many of you know, i am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse.
i'm also a survivor of being raised a jw.
i'm also a survivor of dealing with sex abuse as a
You're my hero, and inspiration. I had no idea that you had suffered so much at the hands of the JW's. It makes what I've been through with them seem mild by comparison. Stay strong and keep growing darling. I wish you every happiness.
Take care,
i've heard different "apostates" say that witnesses are so brainwashed that they would kill, if ordered by the faithful slave.
do you believe this?
I also never gave the JW's much thought until I had direct dealings with some of them. "Wacked out" is the nicest way I can put how I feel into words without being offensive. All I know is that until the events of last fall and winter I had felt grief and depression before, but I had truthfully never felt physically vulnerable or in danger. I even bought a handgun that used to sit on my nightstand every night. I since got rid of the gun because I was going through some tough times emotionally and it wasn't a good idea to have a gun in the house when your slightly suicidal. Was I over reacting, mabey. Instinct took over when I felt threatened, so I did what I thought I needed to do to protect myself. I do know that I'll do whatever I can to help in bringing this lying, hateful, fake christian group crashing down. That may sound childish and vindictive but they started it so pooh on them (lol).
Take care,
i've heard different "apostates" say that witnesses are so brainwashed that they would kill, if ordered by the faithful slave.
do you believe this?
Oh believe me, I did call the police. There were lawsuits and counter suits and a big nasty mess, but I wasn't going to take his crap lying down. I've never been a JW so I didn't really know how wacked some if not most of them are. Now I definitely know, and will never allow them to take advantage of me in the future.
Take care,
i've heard different "apostates" say that witnesses are so brainwashed that they would kill, if ordered by the faithful slave.
do you believe this?
Let me expand on my previous post of "Ditto" to your question.
I've experienced harrasment, stalking, vandalism, trespassing, character assasination, and threats of physical violence against myself and also against my pets. (i.e. a note left on my front door read "Your cats are pretty, their fur would make lovely slippers") All of the above mentioned felonies were the acts of a JW elder. And to top it off, I was then visited by other elders of the local JW cult pod, asking me to try and understand why he had done these things, and mabey I could see things from his point of view and try and be compassionate and forgiving!
Do I believe that he would have killed me if his precious delusional cult gave him the go ahead. In a heartbeat.
Take care,