Hello all,
I am looking to see if anyone has links to either the old school brochure (early 80's or the newer 90's version) Checked some of the topics already posted and the links seem to be dead.
Thank you in advance!
hello all,.
i am looking to see if anyone has links to either the old school brochure (early 80's or the newer 90's version) checked some of the topics already posted and the links seem to be dead.. thank you in advance!.
Hello all,
I am looking to see if anyone has links to either the old school brochure (early 80's or the newer 90's version) Checked some of the topics already posted and the links seem to be dead.
Thank you in advance!
after almost 2 years of being wrongfully disfellowshipped and over a year after finding this site....i am starting to read crisis of conscience.
i will not lie....i am a bit nervous as to what information i will find in the book.
i have a strong feeling that i will end up crying through most of it as i will start to see the truth about the "truth".
amen alias!!
isnt it funny how afraid you were of a BOOK!! Almost looking over your shoulders when you read it!! I try to get family members to read it and they have the same aversion to reading it! It is almost laughable if it wasnt so scary how people are programmed not to touch that "aspostate garbage" Both books are very encouraging and excellent examples of personal freedom. These books will help you live the life you were born to live.
after almost 2 years of being wrongfully disfellowshipped and over a year after finding this site....i am starting to read crisis of conscience.
i will not lie....i am a bit nervous as to what information i will find in the book.
i have a strong feeling that i will end up crying through most of it as i will start to see the truth about the "truth".
confuzzled... i second the 1000 lb weight being lifted of your shouders!
I remember the paradigm shift as I stood in my girlfriends hallway with coc in one hand and my other hand slapping my forehead after realizing i had been lied to for 30 years!
its horrible and wonderful all at the same time!
search for truth no matter where it may lead you.
how did you bury your head in the sand when something didnt seem right but you forced this religion on your kids anyway?
i was a born in, my mother was a convert.
ill admit, before i had kids i suppressed doubts and thought "this is as close as it gets to the truth" as soon as i had kids and realized that i now had to teach this garbage to my kids w/out really believing it was enough to get me to realize the cognitive dissonance stops here.
touche Aussie! things are really never as black and white as they seem!
3rd gen, now that you bring up those things up I guess I could remember certain families that made it a point to fill in some of the voids for us kids as well as the adults. My aunt was awesome at that kind of stuff and then it just died out in the late 80's.
Ok, Im done being pissed at all you evil parents!
how did you bury your head in the sand when something didnt seem right but you forced this religion on your kids anyway?
i was a born in, my mother was a convert.
ill admit, before i had kids i suppressed doubts and thought "this is as close as it gets to the truth" as soon as i had kids and realized that i now had to teach this garbage to my kids w/out really believing it was enough to get me to realize the cognitive dissonance stops here.
morbin and ann, not sure how its misleading, I was a born in of a single mother. I have asked the same questions of my mother and she doesnt have a real good answer although she is waking up as well.
I am definately in the "just get out" program. It is what I have done and its working fairly well... ask me again in 10 to 15 years. I think it works the best. I understand some of the reasons fof people who stay in, my mother is one of them. To me having kids means having to teach them, and having to teach them means I cant just skate by anymore and I had better learn why I believe what I believe. That is my point. There is some confusion when you just quit cold turkey. If you teach any of this stuff to your kids you are making it normal to them. I am probably just going through the progression of completely ridding myself of being raised a dub. I am not trying to be judgemental. Please know that being raised as a JW has an enormous effect on kids. Every meeting, every assembly are all geared towards shaping and molding these kids minds. I dont want anyone, the least of all my children, to have to wait until their mid 30's to realize its all a scam.
Hey, blues, I think having children actually saved me! I think its so true that religion is something that when your surrounded by it you have no other perspective and at least for me when I had children it forced me to really have to answer the difficult questions that are usually just answered "wait on Jehovah" by the dubs.
how did you bury your head in the sand when something didnt seem right but you forced this religion on your kids anyway?
i was a born in, my mother was a convert.
ill admit, before i had kids i suppressed doubts and thought "this is as close as it gets to the truth" as soon as i had kids and realized that i now had to teach this garbage to my kids w/out really believing it was enough to get me to realize the cognitive dissonance stops here.
lol, yeah, thats what I was looking for!
how did you bury your head in the sand when something didnt seem right but you forced this religion on your kids anyway?
i was a born in, my mother was a convert.
ill admit, before i had kids i suppressed doubts and thought "this is as close as it gets to the truth" as soon as i had kids and realized that i now had to teach this garbage to my kids w/out really believing it was enough to get me to realize the cognitive dissonance stops here.
Parents.... How did you put your kids through this religion? How did you bury your head in the sand when something didnt seem right but you forced this religion on your kids anyway? I was a born in, my mother was a convert. Ill admit, before I had kids I suppressed doubts and thought "this is as close as it gets to the truth" As soon as I had kids and realized that I now had to teach this garbage to my kids w/out really believing it was enough to get me to realize the cognitive dissonance stops here. What I want to know from any of you out there is how the f*ck did you allow yourself to continue to see what you saw and still teach this crap to your kids? I liken it to the @$$holes in india or africa who allow their six year old daughters to get married because they dont want the daughters to shame them by getting raped. I get the "born in, the way its always been done" line of reasoning. But when you actually have a child, you actually have a living, breathing, beautiful daughter what in god's name doesnt make you wake the eff up and say "I will not allow my daughter to get married at six"
No birthdays because it is putting children before god? No extra curriculars because it takes time away from god? No voting for city council because your choosing your alderman over god? No blood during an emergency c section because its putting your childs life above god? Wake the eff up parents and get your gets the hell out!
why are so many jehovahs witnesses and escpecially ex-jws so unaware and ignorant of the new world order and the world goverment?
and is the watchtower a part of the new world order and the world goverment under the united nations and the vatican?
my rrsearch says this is the case.
What in human history shows you that a one world government could ever happen? The books of history are littered with men who have tried to take over the world and ALL have not only failed but failed miserably! Put your aluminum foil hat back on and crawl under your bridge.... wait... didnt Building 7 have a bridge?????
just wanted to introduce myself.
i went to the kh for the first time 2 weeks ago...and will go again tomorrow.
i don't believe anything witnessy...(i was raised in the assembly of god church and now the closest thing i "do" with religion is yoga or sometimes the buddhist temple).... but the man i'm in love with is a df'd jw (we've been together for 6 years).... and he wants to get reinstated just to talk to his family again (i can assure you he does not believe it).... and he wants his family to accept me because we are about to get married... so, i'm going to meetings...its very interesting, but only because it shows me more about how he was raised.
I dont know any other way to say this. Your boyfriend needs to man up for his children. If you in any way pretend that the dubs are the normal way of life you will have an extremely difficult time in your future. He needs to sacrifice his past friendships and family contacts for the emotional well being of his future, his kids, you. Do you want your kids around people that think that you are a mistake??!! I dont mean to be extreme but you are dealing with a fundamentalist religion. You can deal with it. Your boyfriend can deal with it. Your children's mindset and how they see the world are being formed right now, with the help of the Jehovahs Witnesses. As long as they are in contact with Jehovah's Witnessess the bubble will be present. Burst the bubble!! Get them involved in as many things as possible. You will be amazed how quickly your children will reject the JW bubble when you and your boyfriend are not pretending that you are in! Let the kids see you take a stand instead of just "fading" Fading has its place but its not when you have children being raised in the religion.
Think about it from your kids perspective. Show them that you are willing to make a stand!! Fading when you have kids still associated with the "society" is the wrong move. Make his family loosen their rigid stance when it comes to shunning if they want to have contact with their grandkids. Its harsh but it is the best way if you have kids inside. Remember, your number one goal is to make sure the kids do not get baptized into this religion. I am speaking with passion because this is exactly what I am dealing with now.
I wish you the best.
just wanted to introduce myself.
i went to the kh for the first time 2 weeks ago...and will go again tomorrow.
i don't believe anything witnessy...(i was raised in the assembly of god church and now the closest thing i "do" with religion is yoga or sometimes the buddhist temple).... but the man i'm in love with is a df'd jw (we've been together for 6 years).... and he wants to get reinstated just to talk to his family again (i can assure you he does not believe it).... and he wants his family to accept me because we are about to get married... so, i'm going to meetings...its very interesting, but only because it shows me more about how he was raised.
Ill tell you what I tell everyone who is out but has kids in the "truth" with an ex or believing mate. You cannot afford to go back in and fade if you have kids that are in. You cannot afford to pretend that the witness way of life is the normal way of life. Your children will suffer if you go back in and then fade. Get your kids involved in sports, school activities and anything else you can think of. Show your children that a normal, balanced approach to life is better than the bubble that the wintesses try to raise their children in. If you go in and fade, then birthdays are still evil, christmas is still evil, saying bless you is still evil, sports are still evil. If you question whether they are evil you are right back to square one. So dont go back, show your kids first hand that these things are not evil by allowing them to participate in as many as possible. Give them the proper balance and critical thinking skills and the other parent and effed up meetings will do the rest to destroy the bubble. Meetings can serve a purpose, if your kids are getting the proper balance then the meetings will actually help you. Believe me it works!!