Zana..... I honestly believe that people here are blowing this out of proportion. You are the father correct? Sign them up for baseball, soccer, karate and anything else you can. Allow them to goto school dances, go to the park with "worldy friends", do birthdays and have school friends over. Allow them to goto birthday parties of school friends. The witnesses have an almost 70% drop out rate. If you allow your child to have a normal life, your children will start to see all on their own how messed up that relgion is.
The previous posters are correct in a sense. The dubs have a great business model. If they can keep the children in the bubble it works great. If that bubble is broken then the business model is fucked. BREAK THE BUBBLE!! My middle school aged children were told that they couldnt join the theocratic ministry school because they were "dating" My kids said "i dont care, i dont want to join the school" When you are in the bubble, the tms is a big deal because its really all you can do besides go out in service. When you allow your child to have a normal life ie sports, dance & other extra-curriculars the tms and service are insanely boring. When you have a normal life, every time you are forced to go to the kingdom hall or service just reinforces the fact that it is a wierd religion where all the OTHER kids cant do anything!!
Good luck,