nicely done
just threw this together.
nothing new but maybe someone will enjoy it.
i just dont have the professional programs to make anything too slick..
nicely done
my wife and i have two wonderful children aged 1 and 3. i was raised as a lutheran but stopped believing in my late teen years.
my wife is what i would call a liberal jw (yes, i believe such people exist .
sooner or later our children will have questions about religion and the differences mom and dad show towards it.
It sounds like you have a pretty good handle on it. I am of the opinion that you cant completely shield your kids from harm. I have said it to my wife and I think on this forum... My goal is to have strong, independent critical thinking young adults. That is the end goal. Some may not agree but add a little jehovah's witness in their life and they can be one of your strongest allies in accomplishing that end goal. It does not take long in the normal world for a kid to realize "something" is wrong. When I was growing up in the bubble, like many here, I didn't have the resource of a strong parent to help me figure out the "something" Help them decipher what that "something" is.
I am happy to hear things are going well!
i found on another thread a quote from awake 1967 aug 22,page 27-28. it's from an article where the wt proves that women should acquiesce to their husbands.
within the article i found something that suggests more intellectual dishonesty from the wt writers.. that it is in the best interests of both.
sexes for man to take the lead is also supported.
I dont see what the big deal is.... Women can acquiesce to men.... Just use a safeword!!!!
matt 28:19 "go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit,.
i don't ever remember hearing at my baptism nor any other baptism of a jw.
the person giving the baptism talk or person doing the dunking saying that i/we are baptized in the name of the father, son and holy spirit.. so i have come to the conclusion that my/our baptism's are not official.
I am not a believer, but while I was.... My baptism to me meant that I had dedicated my life and was being baptized in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. I distinctly remember walking into the pool and having that in mind. As a side note, I also remember thinking "I hope Amber L is watching me without my shirt on... ooh, there she is....YES!!" Your baptism is simply a display of the dedication that you have already made in your heart. If you feel that you truly were dedicating your life to god than you are good to go and no church/person or poster can tell you otherwise.
Oh, and Amber ended up married, beaten and then divorced....... but not by me.
i just wanted to openly apologize to anyone that i have ever offended on this website.
i have been thinking about this lately.
we all seem to go through the same various stages of learning ttatt, anger, sorrow, frustration, bible champion, agnostic, atheist, ect.
You sir, are a overestimating, self righteous, lover of man who evidently can only reason the way man reasons. You probably dont even have enough faith to obey the elders just because it is unreasonable from a human standpoint! Are you tired?? Its because you are too busy running your mouth ahead of jehGBovah!! Your offensive posts have shocked my delicate sensibilities as a I am a true believer in the our lord and savior jesus allah christ! I only hope that you can find peace by proceeding to your nearest kingdom hall and confessing all your sins with the first carpet layer, phone repair man & coke salesman you come across ("Be honest" (hand dissappears under the desk, "how did her breasts feel in your hands?")
You are going to die at armagedon. I hope it hurts when A. Morris takes a hot dog and..... wait.... I mean I hope it hurts when the birds peck out your eye sockets. I will take great pleasure in reading your old playboys (especially the early 80's issues) on your shitter (by candle light) while living in your house and driving your car (until it runs out of gas)
Epic fail, worldly apology not accepted
my wife and i have two wonderful children aged 1 and 3. i was raised as a lutheran but stopped believing in my late teen years.
my wife is what i would call a liberal jw (yes, i believe such people exist .
sooner or later our children will have questions about religion and the differences mom and dad show towards it.
hey zana.... I am really happy to hear that you plan on getting your children involved! I have the "benefit" of having grown up in the church and know exactly what is going to be said to them, what the guilt trips are going to be like because I lived it. "Is your soccer game more important than jehovah?" "Do you think everyone at that party loves jehovah?" "Do you really want to move out of the house and have to pay for things like toilet paper and silverware?" You cant make that batshit crazy stuff up!! When I was 12 I didnt have an answer to those questions, now I can arm my children with life lessons and the thinking ability to realize those are fucking retarted questions!
I know first hand this stuff isnt easy. Life is not easy. I am not saying "follow my 12 step program" and all is well. Show your kids the world, immerse them in it and guess what? They may choose the JW lifestyle!!! It may happen. Its not likely but I am prepared for that. I cant worry about what they may or may not choose to do when they are adults. All I can do now is give them the tools that I think will make them successful adults, who happened to grow up having to go to the kingdom hall on a semi-regular basis. I am not leaving anything up to luck.
Village girl, I say this knowing you and I have a similar disdain and animosity for the the organization of jehovahs witnesses but save your end of the world JW = taliban references. The taliban CUTS PEOPLES HEADS OFF and FLIES PLANES INTO BUILDINGS and SUICIDE BOMBS SCHOOLS/CHURCHES/MARKETS !!!!! The blood issues is the only topic that can even remotely be brought into the arguement when compariing the taliban who CUTS PEOPLES HEADS OFF.
As for me and my family we choose to BREAK THE FUCKING BUBBLE!!! Do not fade if you have children!!
my wife and i have two wonderful children aged 1 and 3. i was raised as a lutheran but stopped believing in my late teen years.
my wife is what i would call a liberal jw (yes, i believe such people exist .
sooner or later our children will have questions about religion and the differences mom and dad show towards it.
My best friend growing up had a father who was a "fader" It hit me then and pissed me off when I came to the realization that he could have grown a pair and allowed my friend to participate in extra-curricular activities but didnt. If you are a fader and not trying to step on toes when you have kids you sentence these kids to a fxxxed up childhood. I dont care how much time the mother spends with the children. If you as a FATHER not only encourage but sign up your children for NORMAL extra-curricular activities/sports/dances it does not take long for the children themselves to see the jw way as being vastly inferior.
BREAK THE BUBBLE.... DO NOT FADE IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN. Your relationship depends on it!!!
i'm not sure if i believe in life after death but i thought of something that has me leaning toward that direction.
unlike other living beings, humans have a consciousness that is separate from our brain.
two prime examples of this are addiction and dieting.
I agree, obviously you cant see the soundwaves but they can be searched or measured. Again, its science. Its like cofty said, there is no ghost in the machine. Science is the tool that helps to explain why radios work, why planes fly and why medications work. Science has been kicking the shit out of supernatural explanations for thousands of years. Unfortunately, as the late great Christopher Hitchens says as long as we are afraid of death and the dark we will have religion (I think he was quoting Freud though) We will continue to have science to keep the shit kickers busy for eons.
my wife and i have two wonderful children aged 1 and 3. i was raised as a lutheran but stopped believing in my late teen years.
my wife is what i would call a liberal jw (yes, i believe such people exist .
sooner or later our children will have questions about religion and the differences mom and dad show towards it.
Zana..... I honestly believe that people here are blowing this out of proportion. You are the father correct? Sign them up for baseball, soccer, karate and anything else you can. Allow them to goto school dances, go to the park with "worldy friends", do birthdays and have school friends over. Allow them to goto birthday parties of school friends. The witnesses have an almost 70% drop out rate. If you allow your child to have a normal life, your children will start to see all on their own how messed up that relgion is.
The previous posters are correct in a sense. The dubs have a great business model. If they can keep the children in the bubble it works great. If that bubble is broken then the business model is fucked. BREAK THE BUBBLE!! My middle school aged children were told that they couldnt join the theocratic ministry school because they were "dating" My kids said "i dont care, i dont want to join the school" When you are in the bubble, the tms is a big deal because its really all you can do besides go out in service. When you allow your child to have a normal life ie sports, dance & other extra-curriculars the tms and service are insanely boring. When you have a normal life, every time you are forced to go to the kingdom hall or service just reinforces the fact that it is a wierd religion where all the OTHER kids cant do anything!!
Good luck,
russel is burried under the pyramid.
according to none other than frederick franz himself, in his own words!.
i read some wt trolls on here trying to say that he is under the marker a few feet away.. that is not true.
I will be sure to save enough urine for both the tombstone and the pyramid then just to be sure!
Oh, and villagegirl it does matter where they were buried. How else can I piss on their graves if I do not know where they are buried? Duh
Thanks for the heads up!