My wife only poops once a year.... and even then its just little rabbit sized turds. At least thats what she tells me...
i was recently at a baseball game with friends and family when i learned something new.
beer had been drunk and the men made their way to the men's room to relieve themselves.
when they got back i asked them what took them so long.
My wife only poops once a year.... and even then its just little rabbit sized turds. At least thats what she tells me...
my dad told me this story long time ago.
there was an long time elder that is never married.
he got caught going to brothel one day after a brother followed him there.
"My friend freaks out, calls elders, tells them what he has done."
"My friend hits the roof she is livid she embarks on this one woman mission to destroy this SOB."
"Right now she has got him, my friend and the young sis travel about 2hrs across the city to the branch and refuse to leave until someone listens to their story. (She and him used to be in bethel so she knew a few people there)."
I have been divorced and I remember being so furious I was almost at the point of being manic. I am glad I was able to recognize it and see it for the life destroying force that it was. I hope for your friends sake she is able to lose the "I am right" attitude and just move on. If she can she will truly be happier. I have found though that people who love to be right have a hard time moving on..
my dad told me this story long time ago.
there was an long time elder that is never married.
he got caught going to brothel one day after a brother followed him there.
Sparrow... it sounds like your friend needed to learn how to move on..... but I guess we are talking about a person who does not have it in them to get out of a cult (hopefully she wakes up soon)
read this earlier on jwtalk in a thread about if the 100 years of the kingdom is part of the 1000 year reign.. actually this question goes back to how the brothers believed and saw things back in bro.
russell's day.
they thought 6000 years of human history and christ's second presence began in 1874, ( their chronology was 100 years off from that which we now accept - this was corrected in the 1940s ) believing such they thought the 1000 year reign began at that time.
Hey cofty,
My mother is still in and is doing the exact same thing now. A family friend has all the old "studies" books from our old hall she would read them when she got the chance. Stunned is a good word.
When they read it for themselves it has an enourmous impact not only because of what those old books actually say but because of what we were all told they said. A perfect example is the "advertise, advertise speech" I told her to find the transcript from the entire speech and see if that talk means the same thing to her.
i have spoken to %90 of mymfriends & family.. and i have found that there are 3 basic reasons why people stay.. .
1. god has always had an organization.
the organization has never been perfect, but he has always had one.. 2. i know a lot of things are wrong, bit where else can i go?
"So from my view, the reasons for staying in would be lack of strength to leave, lack of education, social stability, or trying to "keep the peace" between family members (although if staying in is the only thing keeping the family at peace, it's prehaps best to just RUN AWAY and start a new family, lol)."
That is awesome!!
If your family or friends will disown you for not believing in 1914, or some other vapid "truth" than they are not really your friend or family.
on one hand, he's enlightnened many to the internal circle jerk that is the governing body (circa the 70s).. but if there's one reason that can be pointed to for the jws becoming full on cult, it's ray franz.
without him leaving in the manner he did, and stirring the pot, they might not have change the rule (retroatively i might add) on shunning of disassociated ones.
they specifically changed that so they could remove him and eliminate his influence.. his actions single handedly have created the situation where we have to fade, evade, leave marriages, say goodbye to family, just because we don't buy the jw bullsh!t anymore.
I dont think you can blame cult like actions from a cult on a former member of the cult. The were already a full on cult and they proved themselves by doing everything they could to shut up one of their own high ranking members. The scientologists did the exact same thing with Mike Rinder. You cant blame Rinder for waking up and you cant blame Franz for waking up either.
Rays actions were simply Ray being true to himself. The cult simply acted like any cult would. Thats what cults do. If I can help one person see the organization for what it is I am a happy man. Ray has helped tens of thousands, maybe even a million.
I thank Ray for helping to open my eyes to this cult and showing me that personal freedom is infintely more important than tip toeing around an ideal so that I can keep a few "friends" or "family" members.
the book of enoch taught women magic, the art of war.
and cosmetic..they felt this book was too far out in left field.. the show "bible secrets revealed".. ok, magic vs having a monster baby by a angel.. so happy they omitted that book, otherwise women would.
be leaders of the militaries.
450 ft tall men would be incredibly easy to believe in!! Their femurs would be MASSIVE!! and probably relatively easy to find. Can you imagine a 100 foot femur bone!! They would have kicked the terrible lizards ass!! To bad the flood killed them all. Thanks alot... jehovah
Correct me if I am wrong but if the sun or earth ceased to rotate at any point in our history, regardless of whether or not the ancients had a "perspective" not only would the enemy be smited (?smittened, smitified, smitentated,crushified,beaten?) the "good guys" would also be pretty effed. If the initial "snap" of going from 1000/mph to 0 didn't kill you, I bet whatever you hit at the end of your tumble would do the trick.
just threw this together.
nothing new but maybe someone will enjoy it.
i just dont have the professional programs to make anything too slick..
nicely done
my wife and i have two wonderful children aged 1 and 3. i was raised as a lutheran but stopped believing in my late teen years.
my wife is what i would call a liberal jw (yes, i believe such people exist .
sooner or later our children will have questions about religion and the differences mom and dad show towards it.
It sounds like you have a pretty good handle on it. I am of the opinion that you cant completely shield your kids from harm. I have said it to my wife and I think on this forum... My goal is to have strong, independent critical thinking young adults. That is the end goal. Some may not agree but add a little jehovah's witness in their life and they can be one of your strongest allies in accomplishing that end goal. It does not take long in the normal world for a kid to realize "something" is wrong. When I was growing up in the bubble, like many here, I didn't have the resource of a strong parent to help me figure out the "something" Help them decipher what that "something" is.
I am happy to hear things are going well!
i found on another thread a quote from awake 1967 aug 22,page 27-28. it's from an article where the wt proves that women should acquiesce to their husbands.
within the article i found something that suggests more intellectual dishonesty from the wt writers.. that it is in the best interests of both.
sexes for man to take the lead is also supported.
I dont see what the big deal is.... Women can acquiesce to men.... Just use a safeword!!!!