Its is on my bucket list..... to piss on!
so i live pretty close to the jw pyramid in pittsburgh and i have thought about going there and attaching a sign of some sort to the pyramid.
i was thinking of using a qrcode to link to something.
Its is on my bucket list..... to piss on!
if you, like me, have noticed the sudden increase in hysteria in the khs right now, i put it down to that jw tv site.
its's far more extensive than i thought it was, i thought it was just 1, 1 hour program a month.
there's a s*** load of videos on that site.. and the real problem, from just watching a clip from each video, is that these guys are clearly "mentally unstable".
I remember this happening in Tomah WI when I was about 14 years old.... I was so happy... Then my grandpa gets up and gives a public talk from memory because he had done it so many times before
justin bieber has beliebers.
benedict cumberbatch has cumberbitches.
surely the ego-stroking gb worshipping fans deserve a name.. gbsters?
hey cappy...... at least when you pay normal hookers they go away!
christ, my mind feels f***ed.
there is so many layers of indoctrination and rules and regulations in this, whatever this is (religion?
Campaign... I would say just start to really "live your conscience" You don't have to prove anything to anyone but yourself. Take your time and read everything you can. Not sure how long you were in but when you get to the point of having a paradigm shift (and if your experience is like mine you will have several) it does seem a little overwhelming. Just breathe and live your life. Try to make some connections outside of the religion and just discuss life with your new connections.
If you start to live your conscience you will most likely be forced to make a decision about leaving the religion but that will not happen right away. You have time.
I should also say if you have children though, you have less time. As a born in witness it was very difficult for me to leave because I grew up in the religion and had tremendous loss (like many others here) Children need to be shown that the jw way of growing up is not normal.
Waking up and asking questions is exciting and scary at the same time. Go for it, make your own new normal and enjoy the rest of your new life!
and joined your ranks.... this means...youre talking about a people, that currently are pushing no sex till marriage.
that would end and join into the messages you currently push regarding youths and sex.
that would be sex, with condoms.
shit........ I love pretending the jw's have disappeared, but nope... still here. Ex still doesnt want anti cervical cancer vaccine for our children, still doesn't want them to go to college, still does not want them to play sports (all the 10 year old kids that are bad association), still does not want them to go to a birthday party.
ARS.... its been a while since a good dub supporter has been around. I have one request and one prediction. I request that you post as much as possible and I predict you will not be posting in 6 months. You may not realize it but you WILL help ALOT of people here but not in the way you think.
Remember..... LOTS of posts please!
"for if you publicly declare with your mouth that jesus is lord,+ and exercise faith in your heart that god raised him up from the dead, you will be saved.
10 for with the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration+ for salvation.
11 for the scripture says: no one who rests his faith on him will be disappointed.+
9,000,000 children die every year before they reach the age of 5. That is 10,000 children A DAY.
Your god or any god for that matter did not care about you and your 150 mph crash. You just got lucky.
over the next 5 weeks, we should have 5 or 6 articles/posts that will provide more commentary on the march 15, 2015 watchtower.
important doctrinal changes in march 15th, 2015 watchtower (study edition) explained .
Jehu... I dont know what the point of that story was but its effing hirrarious!! Unless of course it was true then you are one creepy a-hole
i never had the privilege to serve at bethel .. therefore, community help is greatly appreciated friends.. do the gb members have their own living quarters separate from the average jw?.
does their "busy" schedule permit field service, if yes, how many hours a month?.
how long are their weekly wednesday meetings?.
Hey Barrold... .Expected to meet publisher average?? By whom???
They are the freeking GB!! From Gods voice to our ears..... I think they just txt J-hovah their hours each month.
i hear many people on this forum say that kh's don't have windows.
but i have never been to one that didn't have windows.
is this only in a certain area or something?.
The reason is simple follow the money....
A large portion of kingdoms halls dont have windows because putting windows in costs more than just putting up a wall. I know, i know... its not sexy.. its not jdubs killing chickens or anything like that.
Constructions costs are cheaper the fewer windows you have.
this video is hilarious and very, very clever.
youtuber, theunwitness makes a call to hq and asks the question "can i talk to anthony morris?
" and uses matthew 18:15-17 as his reason.