Lets pretend jw's disappeared

by atheist_R_stupid 56 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • atheist_R_stupid

    And joined your ranks.... this means...youre talking about a people, that currently are pushing no sex till marriage. that would end and join into the messages you currently push regarding youths and sex. that would be sex, with condoms. Sex changes in youths. Abortions, or debating abortions.

    Regading war, they would instead, join the armies, and add to whatever death and mayhem such armies cause worldwide.

    regarding voting, nothing would change, because most people in the usa dont vote. there are not enough of them in the usa to matter in that regard on a national model due to electorial college rules.

    regarding transfusions? whatever technologies worldwide, would not have the same push, because truthfully, Jws are not the only ones interested in non blood, but certainly have caused the biggest noise. Blood comes almost free to bloodbanks. and gets transfused with a whopping bill. Dont fool yourself in thinking the 'for profit' USA healthcare people would not rather use the low cost blood instead of the technology driven alternate medicine efforts that have blanketed the entire planet at this point.

    Civil rights? You think Martin Luther King has done things for civil rights? I have 3 words..."I cant breath". black people have come virtually nowhere, when matched against the fast moving "gay rights" movements regarding rights and how fast rights have been shown them. Blacks enter court rooms and regardless of overwhelming evidence in their favor? they are still railroaded.

    Civil rights and Jws are not unknown. the cases they win lead to rights many of you now enjoy. But such things require ongoing battling, as you see with black rights. because people will continue to do whatever they want regarding civil injustice.....that is, unless youw ant to push for a moral free right, like a new nudist camp or gay marriage or something. Remove jw? and the religious civil rights cases they won which you benefit from? stops.

    remove jws? and they join you in whatever the common behavior would be. So for the black community, thats going to be the things we see in it...increasing proportionately. And the white community? same thing.

    the common man, is not some 4 year college grad, with a big home. the common stats of people in the USA? is low income. google it. Jws tend not to be high income anyhow. So that wouldnt change. they WOULD however increase holiday sales. And join you in drinking and getting high. becausse right now, they dont.

    the point is....if you feel jws are horrible fine. But I need to know, who you plan on being a voice saying in a community things like "maybe abstinence is better". Or "maybe you shouldnt join wars". or "perhaps you should get married instead of shacking up and having kid after kid".

    Because right now your churches are not making much of an impact. those jws that you hate? even if they fail trying, are at least trying. Your church? is not. if they are? post links. And then post them in 600 languages.

  • Finkelstein

    atheist_R_stupid  your commnts are nothing but mis-infromitve propaganda baised toward JW's own stupefying doctrinal controls.

    Are you priming yourself to be a JW elder one day ? 

    Nice try to pack a bunch lying bullshit on to one post, but people here can see through this endeavor.



  • cappytan

    Dude, there is some JW hate on here, but not that much. 

    I think most of us would agree that if the Society was more transparent, progressive, open to debate and put protecting children above public relations then many of us would not be disillusioned and may very well still be in the truth.

    The problem isn't Jehovah's Witnesses, it's the self-appointed Faithful and Discreet Slave.

  • fiddler
    A person choosing to be a Christian is not at issue.  The people who get together and study the Bible and follow it' so called moral code are not the problem.  All 8 million of the rank and file witness could continue to do that.  It's the corporate machine,the Watchtower with its various corporate entities that are objectionable.  Remove that! Let the people read the Bible and reason on it with their own adult minds and not just sit and be told what to believe without question.  If in doing that some decide that they don't believe in the Bible so be it. That doesn't mean that they automatically become 'fornicators' or 'adulterers' or abortion proponents or politically active, and on and on with the things you listed. Husbands and wives and whole families have left the jW religion and have gone on with their lives....living good moral lives even without the Bible. We don't care whether they come to this site or any other. We do care that millions of people are systematically being told to just 'listen and obey' a group of men who are at the core part of a religious corporation that is trying to maintain its wealth at their (the rank and file witnesses) expense.  Get rid of the corporation(s) and if you want, get back to examining the scriptures individually and researching ALL things, not just JW publications. 
  • GrreatTeacher

    If JWs disappeared, nothing would change appreciably in the world. They are a tiny drop in the bucket of world population. 

    They just hold outsize influence in their own minds.

  • atheist_R_stupid

    @fiddler   "let people use their own mids to reason on the bible". Where in your feebleness do you think a person can enter into your home, study the bible with you, and not know how much you know of the bible ALREADY....and somehow that person not "use reason" to know the bible? WHY was the person not ALREADY reasoned with the bible from the church he was in all those years? Or wait..I suppose the only people becoming jws are the "weak" ones right fiddler? be a dear and point me to these people that "reason with their own minds" regarding the bible and lets bring THEM in hear and then tell them WHY was paul waisting all that time preaching and teaching? he should have just shut up and handed out scrolls of the writings of the Law and been done with it....

    and regarding the man that has already reduced himself to cursing at me....What else would I expect from stupid atheists? If this was facebook, you would be posting images of jesus having sex with a man or something by now

  • Xanthippe

    Not been reading here long have you? There are all sorts of people here, some who belong to human rights organisations, like Amnesty that get many JWs out of prison because they're prisoners of conscience in nasty little republics.

    We have all different opinions on alcohol, health, abortion, gay people, there is no consensus here.  You have a 'them and us' mentality when in reality we are just all trying to survive on this planet and make it a better place or at least make our own families happy.

  • baltar447

    "Stupid atheists"? Really? If you want to follow a bunch of room temperature IQ power hungry women hating popes, be my guest. I think anyone such as yourself wallowing in willful ignorance is stupid. 

  • atheist_R_stupid

    @xanthippe    Amnesty is getting people out for religious issues. tell me Where was that organization in 1940?

    the issue of civil rights and religion. Are you really going to debate that and Jws fight the issue in every little suburb around the usa, all the way to supremem courts in Countries abroad? really?   where is amnesty when the police are threatening jws in some suburb in some city in the USA? Listen, the "watchtower?" might just be a tad bit larger than amnest...I dont know...i think they might have just a "tad bit" more civil rights cases under their belt. LOL

  • FayeDunaway
    I bet you're counting your time, aren't you.

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