Look at that smile...
The more videos these men put out, the better!
look at that smile... .
the more videos these men put out, the better!
Look at that smile...
The more videos these men put out, the better!
hey all,.
last night at the end of dinner my youngest asked me (still goes with her mother) if i had seen the new video saying "everything is changing" while i try to keep up w/ some of the videos, i have not seen anything that said this.. anyone know what gives?
freemind... and they are getting bigger than ever!!
hey all,.
last night at the end of dinner my youngest asked me (still goes with her mother) if i had seen the new video saying "everything is changing" while i try to keep up w/ some of the videos, i have not seen anything that said this.. anyone know what gives?
Hey all,
Last night at the end of dinner my youngest asked me (still goes with her mother) if I had seen the new video saying "everything is changing" While i try to keep up w/ some of the videos, I have not seen anything that said this.
Anyone know what gives?
hello everybody :) i have been visiting this forum for some time.
i noticed that many can't really free from the past in the org despite many years outside of jw.
i was awaken with a bang.
Born ins have a perspective that the converts will never have. If you actually had the mental lapse and chose this religion, that is your fault. If you were brought up in this bad joke of a religion you have my sympathy.
For anyone who has the vision to see this religion for what it is and still subject his children to it is unforgivable. You can be a liberal jdub all you want but not everyone else is. My mother was not a hard core "end is coming" type of woman but I still went to the kingdom hall regularly. That is why I did not think this world would last until i was 20. That is a fucked up and damaging world view that is fostered within this church. You cannot escape it if you raise your kids in it. That is where these asshat elders stand up on the stage and spout truths that are viewed as coming from the mouth of jehfuckinghovah. Sure, as a convert you can say "well its not really from jehovah" but hear it enough as a kid and you start to believe it. THAT IS WHY RAISING YOUR KIDS IN THIS RELIGION IS COMPLETELY FUCKED UP!!
Do you have any concept of what hearing over and over again "the end of the fucking world" does to a young kid??? Do you have any idea what hearing "is practice/games/boy/girl scouts/ more important than meetings or god?" over and over again does to a childs emotional development? This kind of manipulation intentionally destroys critical thining in kids. Not sure how young your kids are but wake the fuck up man and get THEM out.
hello everybody :) i have been visiting this forum for some time.
i noticed that many can't really free from the past in the org despite many years outside of jw.
i was awaken with a bang.
hello, this is my first post, i would like to introduce myself and say thank you to every one on this forum, you have been a lifeline to me these last few years.. i had been a jw for 30 years when i walked away a few years ago disgusted by the treatment victims of child abuse, domestic abuse and rape receive from the wtbts.. at first i thought it was a local problem, elders personal opinions, the way they handled the situations, imperfect men etc., until i checked out jehovahs witnesses and child abuse/domestic abuse online.
that's when i realized they had the same modus operandi worldwide.
that led me here, tbuo this forum, and then to crisis of conscience, jw facts, watchtower documents, jw survey, old watchtower literature and cd s, reading a couple of steve hassans books, and more recently exiting the jw cult.. the feelings of shock, betrayal, anger at the wtbts, angry with myself for being so gullible, depression, reflection, loneliness, have taken their toll.
Welcome. I felt the same way but please realize your years were not wasted. Those years have made you the person you are today. Live and learn and move forward.
it's been at least a couple years since i've posted anything on here, and much longer than that since when i was active.
ten years ago i first came here all in turmoil over my disillusionment of my beliefs.
i've been through lots of ups and downs since then.
Lifes a peach huh??
I am in the "pull the headship" card. Start getting your kids into things, start with boy or girl scouts. Start encouraging your children to have sleepovers with normal (not "worldly") kids. Start having the families of normal kids over for bbq. As a witness we shut out the world. Bring the world into your house!! Show the wife that most people are good and kind. Boy scout meeting? McD's afterwords. Last big band practice on thursday night, ice cream afterwords. Let your kids and your wife see with their own eyes how pleasant and involved and normal these "worldly" people really are... plus you dont even have to argue with her about it!
"Hey bro soandso, we were really excited about soccer tourny that little pistoff was in this weekend and thats why we left the meeting early. "its so great to watch little pistoff use his Jah-given talents on the soccer field, what a treasure these young ones are "
It is so easy for the "never miss a meeting/service crowd" to be self righteous about missing meetings for sports or school activities. Even if the paradise was real, these kids will NEVER be kids again.
if you want to read up on the background of this, read this first:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/triple_crimethe convicts of this crime escaped from a high security prison in argentina because the guard, a jw, had no guns.here are the news sites that mention this:http://www.infobae.com/2015/12/28/1779500-fuga-los-hermanos-lanatta-el-guardia-del-porton-la-carcel-no-tenia-armas-porque-es-testigo-jehovahttp://www.perfil.com/politica/uno-de-los-guardiacarcelos-a-cargo-de-la-fuga-de-los-lanatta-no-usaba-armas-por-ser-testigo-de-jehova-20151228-0051.htmlhttp://www.diariolaprovinciasj.com/elpais/2015/12/29/datos-insolitos-fuga-hermanos-lanatta-schillaci-43690.htmlhttp://www.elintransigente.com/argentina/2015/12/28/triple-crimen-insolita-justificacion-guardiacarcel-arma-360553.htmli am copying part of the article and translating to english:triple crimen: la insolita justificacion del guardiacarcel sin armatriple crime: the unbelievable justification of the prison guard without a weapon.
los hermanos lanatta y schilacci se fugaron del penal de alvear sin mayores resistenciasthe lanatta brothers and schilacci escaped from the alvear prison without major resistancebuenos aires.- pasan las horas y cada vez aparecen argumentos increibles para las serias medidas de seguridad que supone un penal de maxima detencion.
ahora se filtro la insolita justificacion delguardiacarcel reducido por los condenados por eltriple crimen, los hermanos lanatta y victor schilacci, para fugarse de la carcel: no tenia armas porque es testigo de jeova y la religion le impide la portacion de las mismas.
Not sure how it is done in Australia but here in the sconnie nation, prison and or jail guards do not carry guns when mixing in company with liars and thieves. They of course have weapons in the facility but they are locked down.
For instance, when a deputy or policeman books a prisoner into our county jail, one of the first things he does is check his service weapon into a safe, then lets the prisonor out of the vehicle.
Both my kids were issued chromebooks in school. They have had them about two years now. They seem to hold a charge pretty well, pretty rugged and they have not had any system issues.
Not sure how much they cost but they seem pretty reliable.
You can hate on the congregation all you want (and I do) but if the parents are willing to hide it then the kid is fucked.
While I cannot for the life of me understand how a grown man would allow any organization to keep him from protecting a child being subjected to this type of abuse, I came to the sad realization that all the jdub men in my life when i grew up were nothing more than sycophantic pussies.