UUGGHH.... I wanted to punch you at " Please open your current study copy of the WT"
That aside.... good observation
are the charts and number graphics you see in the wt and awake articles factual?
or are they misleading?.
many have already discussed how verses, quotes, and facts are cherry-picked to fit a particular situation.. i came across another blatant misrepresentation of facts, in a grossly misleading chart-graphic.
UUGGHH.... I wanted to punch you at " Please open your current study copy of the WT"
That aside.... good observation
i'm not sure if i believe in life after death but i thought of something that has me leaning toward that direction.
unlike other living beings, humans have a consciousness that is separate from our brain.
two prime examples of this are addiction and dieting.
I guess the appropriate question then is where physically in the body does the consciousness originate from then? If you were to take an xray or ultrasound where would we find the center that houses our consciousness? (if its not the brain) Maybe you think it is some type of force?
Every part of the body has nerves that eventually go back to the brain. All information is processed in and by the brain.
I think your premise is flawed when making the statement that consciouness is separate from the brain. By assuming that statement is correct you are disregarding neuroscience. If you start from the idea that somehow consciousness is separate from the brain because of a religious or spiritual belief and I start from the idea that all consciousness comes from the brain well then I think we are just going to have to disagree.
i'm not sure if i believe in life after death but i thought of something that has me leaning toward that direction.
unlike other living beings, humans have a consciousness that is separate from our brain.
two prime examples of this are addiction and dieting.
I suppose you could say the brain is resisting itself. I would say the brain may want something in the form of a fourth helping of chocolate cake. Another area of the brain knows that the fourth helping is not good for it for a number of different reasons. The brain then makes the decision that even though the fourth piece of the chocolate cake still tastes good it is not in the body's best interest to eat it. One part of the brain resisted another part of the brain.
I guess I fail to see why having different reasons and options equates with the consiousness being seperate from the brain. The part of the brain that controls consciousness is a part of the brain. Just like the part of the brain that controls sight is a part of the brain.
the book of enoch taught women magic, the art of war.
and cosmetic..they felt this book was too far out in left field.. the show "bible secrets revealed".. ok, magic vs having a monster baby by a angel.. so happy they omitted that book, otherwise women would.
be leaders of the militaries.
It couldn't get the votes. It really is that simple.
i'm not sure if i believe in life after death but i thought of something that has me leaning toward that direction.
unlike other living beings, humans have a consciousness that is separate from our brain.
two prime examples of this are addiction and dieting.
Conscious or non-conscious, the phrase "its all in your head" applies here. Its all coming from your brain. Our consciousness is not seperate from our brain it is a system of our brain.
or do you believe they have the right to practice their religion, as they do?.
This is the USA we don't ban religions.... we just mock them.... ok we mock them but we dont show cartoons of mouhammed. That is just crazy talk!
In this day of information the last thing you want to do is ban a religion. The small majority of idiots (and former idiots such as myself) will join but the vast majority of people will either refrain from joining or join a religion and do whatever the hell they want to do. Banning something restricts freedom (even the right to join a fucked up religion) and that should be done as little as possible.
dear anthony morris the turd.
october 2, 2014 is only 150 days from now.... what bull sh*t are you cooking up to mitigate the expected fallout?.
you might consider shedding "nu-lite" on this continuously recycled quote.... on friday morning, october 2, 1914, charles taze russell, who took the lead at that time among the bible students, strode into the dining room at bethel in brooklyn, new york.
hey ching... I agree in principal as I have used this scripture with my still in parent but there is no sin. Sinning is a myth!
my father who is an elder with decent organizational connections mentioned that very soon there would be "new light" regarding the resurrected being able to be married.
this would make sense because our current understanding has never made any sense to me.
has any one else heard anything about that?.
ignorance... you must have been in for a loooooong time!! "This would make sense because our current understanding has never made any sense to me" sounds exactly like something that would be in the watchtower!!
done breaking your balls....
i've been reading a lot lately about the historical jesus, and the latest archaeological findings and what a comparative, horizontal, reading of the 4 canonic gospels actually do tell us about the historical jesus and his teachings.
pick your side, but let me ask you this, because that's the core question i have been asking myself lately:.
if the historical jesus wasn't the son of god, but simply a human prophet with no previous super-human existence, hence, merely the "son of man", with very appealing teachings, but no previous super-human existence, hence, not "son of god" as we commonly believe as jw's, would you still be a christian?
While not an exact quote Thomas Paine said in "Age of Reason" that jesus was the son of god in the same way we are all the "son of god"
No more or less divine than any of us are.
Age of Reason is an excellent logical explanation if any are still on the fence about the divinity of the "word of god"
for those of you who believe in the bible, have you ever seriously thought about the events that led up to the creation of eve?.
genesis 2 - 18 the lord god said, it is not good for the man to be alone.
i will make a helper suitable for him.. .
curse you jws... you beat me by mere minutes!!