Campaign... I would say just start to really "live your conscience" You don't have to prove anything to anyone but yourself. Take your time and read everything you can. Not sure how long you were in but when you get to the point of having a paradigm shift (and if your experience is like mine you will have several) it does seem a little overwhelming. Just breathe and live your life. Try to make some connections outside of the religion and just discuss life with your new connections.
If you start to live your conscience you will most likely be forced to make a decision about leaving the religion but that will not happen right away. You have time.
I should also say if you have children though, you have less time. As a born in witness it was very difficult for me to leave because I grew up in the religion and had tremendous loss (like many others here) Children need to be shown that the jw way of growing up is not normal.
Waking up and asking questions is exciting and scary at the same time. Go for it, make your own new normal and enjoy the rest of your new life!