Is that real or photoshopped??
Is that real or photoshopped??
hey guys n gals, sorry its been such a long time since i've posted.
lately i've been very busy balancing between my school work and cult activities.
since i've been doing pretty well "spiritually"(enough field-circus hours, attending meetings, underlining my literatrash, reading, praying and serving as the mic-master) my coordinator grabbed me to the side after a meeting and talked to me for twenty minutes straight congratulating me about how good i am doing.. then he paused for a good five seconds and got all serious.. then he proceeded to tell me that the young ones in the hall aren't doing too well.
Nitty.. i would not go so far as to say he is a coward. He is young. Hell, i wish I had the stones to contemplate leaving when I was still living at home. I would say he is inexperienced at worst.... not a bad thing at all. He is coming here for advice so good for him.
Get out bro.... you have little (relatively speaking of course) to lose. If you get out now you will never regret it! Dont allow your mother to shun you and sorry to say it but your friends are not really your friends if they shun you. Good luck... NUKE THEM!
hey guys n gals, sorry its been such a long time since i've posted.
lately i've been very busy balancing between my school work and cult activities.
since i've been doing pretty well "spiritually"(enough field-circus hours, attending meetings, underlining my literatrash, reading, praying and serving as the mic-master) my coordinator grabbed me to the side after a meeting and talked to me for twenty minutes straight congratulating me about how good i am doing.. then he paused for a good five seconds and got all serious.. then he proceeded to tell me that the young ones in the hall aren't doing too well.
Hit them with the nuke!!!! If not even most people just up and left... it would be huge! Every single person who just up and leaves helps out the younger ones. The organization stays strong because people just stay in and do not rock the boat. ROCK THE FUCKING BOAT!!
Nuke the shit out of them brother!
my husband is awake,yay!
we haven't been to meeting since february, although we attended the memorial.
when jws have called us we say we are amazing, everything is awesome much to their shock.
Meet with them.... Make it a huge knock down drag out fight... do not apologize for anything or hide anything in reference to your comments about college. Tell them under no circumstances would you ever discourage a child from attending college. Then when you are formally/informally marked because of encouraging children to go to college talk with these close friends you care about in regards to the reason you are now being harassed by the elders and GTFO !!!
FREEDOM!! Get some.
you can't see electricity or hear it or feel it.
well, there are sparks and lightning bolts and heating elements and the light and heat of filaments.
and somehow, it lights up neon in a tube.
I think Richard Dawkins said it best .....
"Science works..... Bitches"
ps... if you "believe" in science that is..
for the past three years, my husband and i have been watching these sermons by remarkable worldwide speakers.
the biblical truths we have learnt from their presentations, in such a short period of time most definitely tip the scales compared to the truth the led me to believe i had for over 20 plus years of my life.
thanks to these videos, we have now found the truth and the truth is jesus christ (john 14:6).
Hey truthseeker... Which bible/holy book makes no difference. God is certainly a man and he hates gays very much.
What floors me is that if a tribal herdsman from the middle east wrote a book today and said it was the word of thorallahovahzuess... (and managed to get it published) it would be mocked by the jesus lovers (and rightfully so) but because the bible has been magically printed in our own beloved english we believe it has superpowers.
i was thinking of starting a topic on thoughts that go through your mind while attending meetings.... right now i am at the meeting and thinking ... we study about jesus's courage to stand by rightness and truth, about him getting in conflict with religious leaders who thought of themselves as experts of the law, jesus understood truth and god differently of them and he had the courage to speak out!.
so we study this, but after that we draw the concluzion that courage is to go preaching and identify yourself as a witness .... well, this in not what i understand from jesus's courage!.
When you realize that it is forbidden.... not constrained or discouraged but actually forbidden, I think your options are very limited if you are trying to reach your full potential. You need to get out. If you have kids in this organization you must actively, not passively work against it. If you have "friends" or family in and are afraid of losing those relationships then leaving is something only you can decide on.
All of us have had friends and family that we literally in one day just lost. As much as people still in think that they have true friendships, they are kidding themselves. It is not easy but it is completely worth it. I do not have to pretend I like the meetings or have to bite my tongue if I see a jw in passing. I am free to be me... in all my tobacco chewing bearded glory.
Good luck, The journey is worth it no matter how long it takes!
most of you have probably seen the apostasy trial video posted on youtube (and all over social media) recently.
well, there's a "wordly" woman from another country that i had worked with some time ago and she's posted it, tagged me, and asked "wtf?
", knowing i'm a still a jw just for family reasons.
Hey cookie... I think you have found a way to get rid of all the jdub's on your facebook. You just need to embrace your inner apostate instead of trying to hide him.
i was thinking of starting a topic on thoughts that go through your mind while attending meetings.... right now i am at the meeting and thinking ... we study about jesus's courage to stand by rightness and truth, about him getting in conflict with religious leaders who thought of themselves as experts of the law, jesus understood truth and god differently of them and he had the courage to speak out!.
so we study this, but after that we draw the concluzion that courage is to go preaching and identify yourself as a witness .... well, this in not what i understand from jesus's courage!.
Oubliette, Could not agree more! GTFO!!
NOTHING is worth more than your personal freedom. Until people stop downplaying in their own mind how important this freedom is they are stifling themselves.
On a side note... I remember someone interviewing R Dawkins and they made a comment about Dawkins being "very upset with god." Dawkins said "upset with god?... that is of course ridiculous" implying its hard to be upset with something that is not real... You could tell the comment went right over the head of his interviewer.
Searcher.... While I can understand why some choose to fade, you absolutely cannot be 100% honest when fading. When you make the choice to fade you choose to hide a fundamental truth within you to pacify one or more relationships. It is simply not possible to fade and be 100% honest.
you know, i always maintained that during this fading process, and while learning ttatt, i would not let myself get "bitter twisted and angry".... but, in all honesty, if i examine myself, i have become quite bitter toward the org, toward the false friends and the gb.. i have become angry as i see the extent of damage i feel being raised in "the truth" has done.... i feel hurt towards the lost opportunities in life etc.... how do i not allow myself to get too swallowed up by such bitterness?.
i have always been a very happy, positive, selfless person.
i can put people at ease, i am someone people feel comfortable chatting to.
Hey stuck...
Not sure of your exact situation but my opinion is to make a clean break. Just DA and get out of dodge. No relationship is worth losing your personal freedom over. When I woke up I told my mother I would stay in for her sake but I was not going to hide anything. That lasted for about 6 months until I got a knock on the door from two caring elders. I had it out w/ them and formally notified them of my intention to leave.
If you formally leave you dont have to hide your personal beliefs and you dont have to play any fucked up games w/ people who will ditch you in a moments notice. Personal freedom over ALL else.
good luck