I'm glad you started this thread because this is on my mind.
My two siblings, our spouses and I are now awake and fading. Our parents and the elders are literally harrassing me, I'm talking 1-2 messages a week for two months now, after I missed 6 mos of meetings.
We are very sad for my parents. They have a lot of anxiety, depression, and insomnia over not being "good enough" and fear of their children's impending destruction.
We want to wake them up. They were baptized as children and are now in their 50s. They are very devout and truly gave their lives away.
In my own search to "make sure of all things" I am writing a series of college classroom style PowerPoints about JW issues. My siblings like them a lot. We want to show them to our parents in a sort of intervention maneuver but are also scared of absolutely shattering then emotionally and subsequently their running to the elders to tattle, as they've done the past.