From JW theology point of view exactly this that things are discussed and not held within yourself is the bad thing.
this term apostates, sure there are many that [deviate] from the [true] message.. but how can those that sit in the pews be the ones that can be called apostates if they stand up and tell it like it is?.
apostate, its just [another] of [many] labels that are used by the watchtower so as to instill fear, so that no one will question the establishment.. but, jesus and others before him rose up to tell the story how it really is, and see what happened to them, nothing has really changed, the [false] story still goes on.. but, those who have doubts, know that the watchtower is full of shit nonsense, my question is, why are you still there?
will it get you anywhere by remaining?
From JW theology point of view exactly this that things are discussed and not held within yourself is the bad thing.
got to pondering on the drive home tonight about some stuff i will say to my son, who at this time is thinking about whether to stay with jws or not.. two babies are born, by chance even on the same day.
one is raised a jw the other as no particular religion at all.
time passes and they stay with their respective upbringings into the late teens.. kid 1 (no religion) gets into normal teenage strife, sleeps around, does a bit of dodgy shit along the way while kid 2 (jw) is pretty much a good jw kid, keeps his nose clean and pleases mummy and the elders a lot but is not baptized.. one rainy night they are both in a freak head on crash with each other and both die.. which one has the better hope?
Well let's see how the weather conditions are, check. Direction of wind, check. Speed of wind, check. Temperature, check.
Today I feel like it's 65%
is god's word or message.
(the multi-ingredient "unabridged gospel" or "good news").
which is hidden in plain sight throughout scripture.
Nope, not at all. If he would like he could use stones to spread the word.
good or bad?
how did/has the wtbts affected your social skills, social development, and/or how you interact with other people?
i have many questions about different social skills that i will ask either after other people post to this thread or to keep this thread active.
Yes, no, no, no but slightly drunk, yes
As you can see, today I'm not in the mood for small talk, will meet my therapist soon.
a bible truth - "one baptism".
(ephesians 4:5) .
however, according to 'accepted wisdom', there must be two baptisms - one visible, and one invisible.
The very same minute, when former anointed now DA/DF/Fading/Inactive/secretly sinful dies without repenting. Then a new anointed must be picked up from the list.
good or bad?
how did/has the wtbts affected your social skills, social development, and/or how you interact with other people?
i have many questions about different social skills that i will ask either after other people post to this thread or to keep this thread active.
In my view I got very positive social education in congregation. Being that very shy and direct boy could really have halted my social experiences. But holding rehearseal speeches and been more or less forced to communicate with lots of different people and not forgetting to mention going to doors of total strangers helped me to cope with this aspect of life. I am not saying that I would be cured, I'm still shy and cautious but I can freely engage in any kind of discussion even with people I do not not, or when there is need to conduct small talk for example in work related events.
What the schools could learn young people in this area is really minimal fraction of what would really be needed, not all people are social and outgoing by default.
"help an isreal soldier" my first obligation is to a us soldier, than a uk one.
"viagra" "porn" "donate to save isreal" they have plenty of us aid, the fundamentals give zionist $75-$100 million are year, to bring forward the "rapture" "see lord save us from your people" movie.
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well.....what can i say...after lurking and much research and eventual signing up on this forum...i filled out my fs report for april with average hours and magazines, but i never went out in the ministry.. it feels odd, and i feel bad for filling out time that i knew i never did...i hate the idea of going out to people's door and telling them a lie...not sure how much longer i can do this for .
just had to vent!.
I did that false reporting part too for couple of years until I came to a conclusion that the only one I was kidding was myself.
howdy guys and gals!.
here is my latest article on "waiting on jehovah" because the organisation is run by "humble imperfect men.".
Obviously not long enough
my dear mother and aunt were always worrying about those pesky demons and their father, the devil.. did you obsess over the deminz??
They actually did