Anyway, having children is overrated.
as a young witness married couple in the 1990's we knew "this generation" of 1914 did not have long to go!
oh how cute a young pioneer couple we were.
we wont have kids till "afew more years pass" and we are in the new system.
Anyway, having children is overrated.
while attending a week long training class for elders in patterson, bro losch gave the concluding talk about loyalty to the borg, which i was in awe of(i went more in detail in a recent post about a s.a.d.
where losch was the speaker).
at the end of his talk, here's what he said: .
Well, let's be happy that he has not seen gladiators in an ice-hockey rink and what they try to do to their opponents.
so recently, several over-righteous ones in the cong were discussing "how amazing it felt when they got baptised".
statements like "how awesome did it feel as you got raised back out of the water?!".
or the classic "i felt so close to jehovah as i came out of the pool"!.
I felt wet, that was all. The happy feelings came afterwards when baptismal gifts were presented. Sadly some of them were related to d2d service.
a letter has just been read out indicating that effective immediately, witnesses are no longer to use the s-8 slip known as the "house to house" record slip, as well as the s-43 "please follow up" slip (usually used for foreign language people).. the letter stated that this is because of the changes in privacy laws etc that are becoming common in the world today.. i will try and get a copy of the full letter and post it asap.. .
Well, the witnesses are still expected to keep notes about these things. But there is a great difference if they write it down to a slip printed by an organization or to a notebook of their own.
1. If they would use these printed slips, it could be argued that the organisation is directing/demanding/encouraging them to maintain potentially illegal person data record.
2. If they use their own notebooks, they do not keep these records because an organisation asked them to, but because they by themsselves as private persons decided to do so.
In case there would be a question about potential infringement of privacy laws, which case do you think JW as organisation could better defend themselves against?
as you all know i am just going thru the motions.
well today during the brain washing session.
one stupid elder made the comment i quote "the website is the most visited website in the world!
Is it possible that it would be the most visited religious site in the world? Doubt that too, but within that category it could rise to top 100 at least.
in my nearly 60 years in the religion, although i "studied" with a good number, i cannot think of any who could lay the blame at my door for being in the religion today.. one lad possibly might, i studied with him briefly as he was trying to get off drugs, he then moved away, and then married a "sister" a few years later, and is still in, but i doubt he would blame me, i hope not.. of the others i studied with none are still in, the last i heard of one of them, a weirdo kid, now weirdo man, was when he was arrested for "flashing" in a local spot frquented by doggers etc.
i guess i was a useless "tutor".
as it happens, that is one of the things i am proud to be a failure at, getting people to join a cult.. i always tried to not do proper r.v's, and never suggested a "study" to anyone, but some, like weirdo, were shoved my way by elders who didn't want the work themselves.. how many are you guilty of getting in to the cult ?.
Although I don't feel like I entraped anyone. If one chose to become JW it was their call.
i'm off work today and its a monday morning.
a male and female jw just knocked on my door, i opened it, the guy just handed me their latest website promoting tract saying "hi, were just leaving these with people today", and then he made to leave.
i looked at the tract and then looked at him as he was turning to walk away and said to him "ok, thanks, but ummm you could've just left it in my letterbox.".
This saves paper at least in two ways and some forest may be saved for future refreshment.
1. If you would refuse they can offer the same piece of paper to next person
2. If they would just make a mailbox round they would be enormously quicker and get lots more tracts out.
I thank them for this nature preserving choice of method.
i'm pretty sure it is, just wanted to confirm.
this would be someone who went once and only looked....
I think this should be considered in the same way as watching porn. If it is regular mono/heterosexual sex they show there it should be ok, you just loose your precious privileges. But if they show abhorrent forms of sexual behaviour then you are subject to JC at least. I must admit I am not a regular visitor in strip clubs, have just seen the concept in several criminal series in TV. Mostly it seems there is just one girl undressing, but maybe they are imaging just a cleaned up version of what is going on in those clubs. Ofcourse if it gets physical that is totally another story.
if so, what would be some examples?.
only questions that show a higher degree of thought and intelligence please..
Just for asking questions? My understanding is that you wouldn't
After they have given you the loving guidance that you need to stop asking questions and trust that the light gets brighter, from that point on any questions are subject to df procedure.
born in here and have been awake to ttatt for 3 months now and keeping it to myself is killing me.
i do not want to da as i have many close friends and family in.. .
i'm note sure how the wife will take it.
This worked for me
1. I do not find it reasonable to try to convince her that there is fault in her religion. It is her faith and I have mine.
2. I told her that I have issues but do not want to discuss about it directly. I proposed that I tell my views in a letter and she can read it at convenient time.
3. I wrote my letter, telling the whole thruth about my thinking and that I will still love and respect her. I encouraged her to respond with letter rather than taking risk for oral dispute.
4. She did respond after which we then had a discussion in stress-free setting.