What helped us in similar situation was that we agreed on writing letters to eachother explaining the viewpoints and reasoning behind our differing decisions. It was much easier to do it in written format as you really could put everything there, correcting and rephrasing before delivering. Doing the same in oral confrontation would just have been that, a confrontation, where neither me or her could have had possibility to say everything.
We could in then following discussions agree to disagree, but not let this go over our marriage.
What she, and also my wife initially, is really asking is you to continue to "believe", not because your love to Jehovah but to her. When my wife understood that this was her actual request, she understood to drop it.
Be strong, you must be able to protect your own happiness in first place, then you are also capable protecting your family's happiness too. If you accept doing things that are against your conscious you will sooner or later find yourself in same situation with bigger wounds to heel. But on the other side remember to equally respect her decision in this matter and do your outmost to support here in following that path. But it really do not need to mean that you must go against your personal principles.