What would be greater charity than donating eternal life to your fellow human?
so i argue with the boyfriend a lot about the fact that i think charitable work is every bit as important as preaching when it comes to serving god.
every church i've ever gone to has some sort of community outreach, if not several outreaches, that have little or nothing to do with preaching.
and i made the point that if these people know you're affiliated with a church, they'll think a little more kindly about christians, too, which would help in the whole witnessing arena.
What would be greater charity than donating eternal life to your fellow human?
i just came across this on another thread with pictures/photos ,is this for real ?
i couldnt beleive my eyes or ears?.
the control that this organization has over it`s members... is ..is ... well it`s a cult !!
I once visited a foreign Bethel home in suit trousers and shirt, but without a tie. I got counselled by my wife but not refused the tour. Maybe they thought I was this poor lady's unbelieving husband or something and they were mercyful against me. There is noway I would have taken my whole suit with me to long foreign tourist trips, I even attended local congregations in this unrespectful attire and was still warmly welcomed.
But the time I really got the looks was when I once dropped by in our local Bethel to collect some foreign literature. I was going to help my friend in timbering and Bethel was conveniently by the route, so I as I am very pragmatic person decided to combine this need I had. There I was, in Bethel lobby with my wind and waterproof outdoor attire asking someone to deliver some specific items in my list to me. Eventhough I must have been worse sight than the beast in revelation, I was actually allowed to follow one brother to literature depot inside the Bethel premises (much more than I anticipated) and then let out from back door. Wait a minute, maybe that was part of the plan. Well you guessed it right, I was counseled in forthcoming meeting by a Bethel brother in our congregation that there is no such situation in the world that justifies entering even the Bethel parking area in such clothing. Ok, I got that and never again went to Bethel to collect literature, but ordered them through our literature desk.
i just came across this on another thread with pictures/photos ,is this for real ?
i couldnt beleive my eyes or ears?.
the control that this organization has over it`s members... is ..is ... well it`s a cult !!
A similar kind of leaflet and rigorous rules can be found in respectable golf clubs. I doubt however if TW or Ernie or Phil or Ian would like to play a round of golf there in something else than portrayed there, they would be refused.
are they deluded enough to think that it must happen soon?
or are they just stringing everyone along?.
personaly i think that russell had good intentions and probably belived what he wrote ( although dosn't make it right) but i don't belive that any other gb has really belived the trash that is supposed to be the jw religon.
I really do not think so. They propably see this as opportunity for as many people as possible to learn about their belief and convert to it. They might even be worried about populations in China and India and similar, wondering how Jehovah would explain their destruction if real chance to reach out to them was never given. Just trying to remember the slogans flying when Russia got open for witnessing and comparing this situation. In that sense the renewed generation light must be kind of relief, even though they certainly think that Armageddon should come sooner than later. For them the appearance of Armageddon really do not matter afterall, as they believe even if they die today they will immediatelly start new life in heavens and that way will be able to observe Armageddon, even when not present here anymore.
That's how I think they might see it, I could be horribly wrong also
i held off long enough in reading the wt article for the study in january.
there is was, two articles about reaching out for the office of elder.. after finishing the article my reaction to it was anger.
they made it seem that there is something wrong with you if you don't reach out in this way.. our congregation has more deleted elders than active elders.
I must have been real pagan as I never ever wanted to be anything like MS or Elder in congregation.
there is a sister in our hall who has made it clear why her "jehovah" does not like weak ones.
her husband the po, will refuse to work with those who are not getting ten hours or more a month.
the weak ones "are spiritually dangerous and will bring you down.
Now I get why I was never invited to field service. Or was it still my personality?
college, exericise, reading, sports, beer, women, men, or drugs?.
i have never ridden/driven a motorcycle or a scooter.
but, i'm thinking about getting one.. in fact, a chinese scooter!.
they get 100 mpg on gasoline and they are under $900 bucks.. .
Yes, avoid trouble, buy a Vespa or Peugeot
the local needs was about low fs time in the cong.
about 1/3 of publishers are averaging 4 hours per month.
that is unprecedented in our cong, a usually 'zealous' congregation.. my take is this: if you don't believe it yourself, why are you going to waste valuable time telling others?
My poor wife applied once for auxiliary pioneering. They told they could not accept the application as she did not perform 10hours average on six last months. If they are equally a**l about it in other congregations it would mean that at least half of the crowd must have constant 10+ hour average. It still acccomodates for possibility that 1/3 are low performers and in need for special needs talk.
this thread could be a saver!.
For me I would say it was the way moral thinking was thaught to be part of your every day life. It is very automatic for me to think if a thing I am going to do is right from my perspective, for other people and in overall. I see lot's of people thinking that things are right as long nobody knows about it, mostly I try to go beyond that.
I don't say this is exclusive in JW life, but very central and essential part any way.