Oh my god...
I've had sleep paralysis happen to me twice in my life. Hands down the scariest shit I've ever gone through. The first time, my eyes open up, I can't move and there is a creature putting sensors on my head, conducting tests on me. And one was standing over me watching. I tried my hardest to scream or move (I think I was trying to punch it) but I couldn't do anything. I mean, sure that doesn't sound scary but it seemed so real.
The second time it happened I didn't see anything but I just felt like something was approaching me. I didn't even remember falling asleep for this one so it seemed like I went straight from being awake to this happening. Everything loudly powered down, the fan next to me slowed to a halt, and I just felt like something was approaching, coming to get me. While it was happening, I felt like I was shaking a lot, trying to move but when I snapped out of it I realized I didn't move at all and the fan was still running, and my alarm clock wasn't blinking so the power hadn't gone out.
Honestly, I'd never want anyone to go through this. It's the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. You just feel nothing but fear, and the fact that you're awake, it seems so real, and you can't move or scream makes it horrible.