JoinedTopics Started by FifthOfNovember
I could really use some advice :(
by FifthOfNovember inokay, here's some background information.. my girlfriend is in a program at a college about 30 minutes away.
she can only come home on the weekends and i usually go over once a week to visit.
there is a guy there that she hangs out with quite a bit, she's mentioned how he is really nice and funny.
Prom tonight!
by FifthOfNovember ini'm excited and nervous at the same time.
i'm a horrible dancer but oh well, i know i'll have fun.
i don't have any immediate family that are witnesses, so i've had it really easy compared to most people on the board..
Ever do drugs while in the organization?
by FifthOfNovember ini only ever drank while i was still attending meetings.
but i seriously considered trying lsd or shrooms.
i came really close to trying shrooms once with my friend but we never got around to calling someone to sell us some.
What's the Watchtower's current stance on...
by FifthOfNovember inthe big bang?
-do they leave room for it as a possibility for jehovah to have created the universe?
(i heard an elder say once that the society doesn't necessarily rule out the big bang as a possiblity).
The meetings used to make me physically sick.
by FifthOfNovember init's 9:10 sunday morning.
i'm dressed already, and just finished rushing through my watchtower a few seconds ago.
now i need to wait for my ride to pick me up (i couldn't drive yet).
Just found my fourth memorial invitation.
by FifthOfNovember init seems like i was really wanted at the memorial this year.. .
first invite: saw a jw in a gas station while i was eating some food with my friend.
he invited me to the memorial orally.. second invite: it was a saturday morning, i was in the shower when a jw came, mom answered the door and talked with him, he left a memorial tract and some magazines.. third invite: found a somewhat crumpled memorial tract with a few small tears on my porch.
JW recieves $55,000 for being ordered to wear santa hat.
by FifthOfNovember in
An interesting weekend. :D
by FifthOfNovember inon friday it was about 70 where i live, so my cousin (who is an unbaptised j-dub) and i decided to play some tennis.
as we were walking out of a store (we were looking for tennis balls) i see two older j-dubs driving by, staring at us.
i havn't been to the meetings in months and i think they were shocked to see me with a beard.
Since I've left "the truth"...
by FifthOfNovember ini've gotten a girlfriend.. i've grown a nice beard.
(still in progress).
i no longer am paranoid about being caught doing something "wrong.".