Jesus is Michael.
Jesus' coming was invisible and in 1914.
He also inspected all religions and chose Bible Students in 1919.
Jesus' followers have to participate in d2d service as a witnessing method. (one can't just claim to do informal witnessing and skip FS)
They also have to report the hours and literature placed at the end of each month.
Decorating a tree at the end of the year is pagan, while wearing a ring or a veil for brides isn't. The pinata is okay too apparently.
Social networks like facebook are wrong.
Getting a higher education is wrong.
Loving one's country and getting involved in ways to benefit the local community (not preaching the JW message) is wrong.
Having a non-JW close friend is wrong. (even if they might believe in God & the Bible).
Wearing pants during meetings or witnessing isn't allowed for sisters.
Beards aren't allowed for brothers. Ties are mandatory, in some places you can't take off the jacket even in hot weather.
Toasting is pagan...nowhere in the Bible.
Saying "bless you" upon sneezing is also wrong.