JoinedTopics Started by LotusFlower1
Worlds Apart (Movie) now on Youtube
by Billen76 insara is a teenager who lives with her family, who are jehova's witnesses.
the family's devout image is questioned when the parents divorce as a consequence of the father's infidelity.
one night at a party sara meets teis, an older boy who takes an interest in her.
New exJW Pamphlet to leave with Bible Studies
by jwfacts inrecently someone asked for a pamphlet to leave with a neighbour that started studying with jws.
i noticed that they was not a lot available, so have put together something.
please let me know your opinion and any errors.
I'm having a baby!
by AwSnap inim just about at 14 weeks.
i thought i had the answers to all, until i got that "positive" on the pregnancy test.
Where do you go from here?
by still looking inafter either being a witness or studying with them, and you find out stuff that has you leave, where do you go?
i don't think they are the true religion, but i do think they teach a lot of stuff that is correct.
like the trinity being a false doctrine, no idle worship, including crosses, and hell isn't a forever torture.
What was it like growing up as a JW ? You need to read this !!
by Hairyhegoat inwhat was it like growing up in a jehovahs witness household?.
growing up in a jehovahs witness household was very confusing.
i learned very early on what hypocrisy meant.
what flipflops caused you to think?
by cheerios inwhile posting on another thread, i thought of this.
for me, it was the "we never said you couldn't go to college" flipflop in the mid 1990s.
when ofc we all know that to be an utter lie.. now that i think about it, their literature is written with future flipflopping mind.
Were you afraid of Armageddon?
by cyberjesus ini was dfd in 1995 however i still believed it was the truth until 2009. and until then i was fearful of armageddon's day.. i remember every time i'd see a dark sky with thunders and lighting i would question if that was it.
the news of any major disaster, hurricanes earthquakes would ignite fear inside me and i would think that could be the beginning of the end.. when i was around 8 i remember going to visit my grandma and she was watching the news.
a major conflict in the middle east had ended and some president said that the world was not in peace.
Share something funny
by KW13 ina joke, a video...a story..whatever .
If Worldly people stop donating blood Witnesses wouldn't have any "fractions" to use!
by Witness 007 ingreatest religious hypocracy ever.....witnesses would be disfellowshiped for donating blood.....but can use fractions kindly donated by "worldly" people so witnesses can heal!
they condemn the blood banks as greedy, corupt, unsafe institutions.....yet they use them!.