Why does someone who participates in a blog question what the point of a blog is?
JoinedPosts by pontoon
What oh what ... is the point of a blog???
by highdose insomething i've never understood.
could someone please explain this to me and finaly answer this nagging question?.
At Bethel it was at times ordered that you MISS the meetings due to a hot job
by life is to short inthe poster ex dub ms reminded me of something i had forgotten.
at bethel especially in construction if there was a hot job going on or a deadline you missed meetings peroid!
no questions asked.. now if a rank and file husband who was working a low wage job to support his family or a single mom had to miss meetings due to a hot job at work what would happen to them?.
It's the Watchtower Society of Double Standards. It doesn't have to be a hot job for bethelites to be a no show. We had one kid who only made a few meetings a month. He kept saying he had to work overtime. Another bethel elder in our hall spoke to his overseer and found out he kept on offering to work late (just late enough to miss his ride to KH). When CO came attendance was always an issue. Bethelite elders used to play it off like it was a problem with the local bros. I did my own survey, the bethelites missed FAR more meetings than the locals. When it was time to pick blueberries and strawberries at Wat Farm, they would invite local bros & sisters to come help, especially pioners--and yes they could count their time. Put that life saving work on hold because we need our blueberries! Yes, this IS SACRED SERVICE, but only if your a pioneer. If you are just a publisher you can't count you time because it is not sacred service. How about that crap! I could go on and on but I'll stop. Living close to the Wat Farm you see and hear a lot. Double standards and who you know politics.
Circuit Accounts Servants Confesses how the SCAM WORKS!!
by JT inyes, i too have wondered how an assembly that is held in a fully paid for assembly hall, with no food service, could possibly have $10,000 in expenses.
i suppose the bethel speakers have transportation expenses - maybe $1000 or so.
as for rent on the assembly hall, well you have already paid for it once, why pay again?
I was around in 1972 I think when we built the Monroe Assembly Hall. The first or second of the Org owned halls. Anyway, it must be about 5 or 6 years ago we replaced it with a new one, Newburgh Assembly Hall. Much more elaborate and fancy than Monroe. I remember the Org talking to the circuit elders that would be involved in it why it would be cost effective to build new. It sticks in my mind that one point was that to put a new roof on Monroe it would cost half the price of a brand new hall. Of course they figure in labor even though that would have been free. The whole business was ridiculous. At Wat Farms anything 10 years old may be considered to be replaced or remodeled. Bethel biggies love new and expensive. Why not---its not their money. I heard of brothers from other parts of the world that are just floored when they visit here and see the org waste and materialism and uppy lifestyle of the bethelites here.
2010 Partakers number is out!!!
by Hairyhegoat inhey here we go!!!.
they will need to buy some more crackers and cheap wine for next year now.
what are the borg going to concocked now to cover there ass with the number of morons going up again at the memorial 2010 ?.
All about maintaining thei tax exemt status I didn't know. All that being the way it is, can we invite the public or the R&F to their closed door elder meetings? I never meant to suggest that we kept the public out, just years ago we never tried so hard to get them to go. And back to what I said about Jesus just having his twelve only, if that is the proper bible example then the org is caving in under man's law.
2010 Partakers number is out!!!
by Hairyhegoat inhey here we go!!!.
they will need to buy some more crackers and cheap wine for next year now.
what are the borg going to concocked now to cover there ass with the number of morons going up again at the memorial 2010 ?.
I remember years ago we were only suppose to invite bible studies and interested ones to the memorial. Then it changed. Invite everybody!! I never understood that. Jesus only had his very close followers---the apostles. Now its get everyone to attend. Borg likes big numbers. Go in service and invite ones you meet without having a proper chance to explain it all and know if they understand or not. Maybe part of the reason for more partakers. I don't know.
by pontoon inlozasleft said i should introduce myself.
i wasn't happy my dad got baptized because i thought it would change him and i liked him the way he was.
anyway i got baptized in 1969 at 16 yrs old mainly because i wanted to be able to date jw girls.
Lozasleft said I should introduce myself. I'll try. WAY back in the sixties my Mom, than older sister, than father came into the truth and got baptized. I wasn't happy my dad got baptized because I thought it would change him and I liked him the way he was. Anyway I got baptized in 1969 at 16 yrs old mainly because I wanted to be able to date JW girls. I was not theocratically minded, but went through the motions, made the best of it all, had some good friends, had some good times. Growing up in NYC we had alot of bethelites in our congregation, often trying to take me "under their wing". A lot of that had to do with me having a good looking older sister. One bethelite use to take me on out of town speaking assignments. It was all good, but they were NEVER going to make a bethelite out of me. In my congregation was George Gangas, Charles Feckel, as well as other bethel heavyweights but not annointed. I knew Nathan and Audrey Knorr, (and years later knew Audrey and her second husband Glen Hyde). My two younger brothers also got baptized.
I'll fast foward---moved upstate NY near Wat farm in 1971. Still hanging on to the truth but still not very spiritual. Probably in the 1980's got more serious and made spiritual progress. Served as an elder for years but stepped down for domestic troubles. I would say fading began about 3 yrs ago. Some things that ALWAYS bothered me; 1) Jeh telling Abraham to scrafice his son, I would have said no-- take me. How could Jeh put a man through stress like that? The constant violent nature of worship, scrafices, wars, destruction. Adam dooms the whole human race to imperfection, sin, and death an Jeh lets him live for another 900 yrs, kills a guy for preventing the ark from falling. Blood doctrine which I dealt with personally. How the GB has turned themselves into Saducese and Pharisies (spelling but you know what I mean) When they started telling us how to dress even during our relax times something has gone to their heads. Not too long ago we had a Wat study about how a gecko, a rock badger, and some other critter should make us think of Jeh. Not Jehs. creative power, but his attributes. It had to be one of the most stupid things I ever read. This was real Dr. Suess but not written that good. I'm sitting in the hall thinking this is all our GB can come up with? Taking a break from the reprints this week. Then the generation thing. It has to be wrong to try to make Jesus words fit what they are teaching. The way the org. makes stuff up, like no more food service so we can concentrate on the more important spiritual things. I can guarantee those dried out hoagees were not why my mind was drifting. The real reason was improper food handling with untrained workers getting people sick and trouble with Boards of Health. Just tell us the truth. Only book a room off our list. The real reason is that is how org. gets their rooms for free. Just tell us.
Left out a whole lot, wives, jobs, illnesses.......haven't been to a meeting in months but not out yet. I'm in the same boat as a lot of you, I don't want to crush my parents.
by wasblind indebator said: " coc is not the holy grail.
it is just an imperfection of men fallacy argument!
i'm surprised it still works on people.
thank you palm tree and mad dawg
by wasblind indebator said: " coc is not the holy grail.
it is just an imperfection of men fallacy argument!
i'm surprised it still works on people.
I hope you all realize if you were still "in the truth" you could get into a WHOLE LOT of TROUBLE for talking to debator, a so called JW practicing secret sin by spending his time on this site and not following the wtower example of Mon. personal/family study night. Don't let the elders know what is going on here!! Just another quick thought--if debator knew of a bro or sis doing something wrong he/she would be the first one to tell--no doubt. HAA!!
Violent entertainment and it's effects
by sabastious inthe watchtower has always talked about violence in entertainment.
it is one of the watchtower's historical hot topics.. and for good reason too.
virtual violent entertainment is a very new phenomenon in our world.
I think men first became violent when God started to require animal scrafices after adam sinned. Imangine the millions of animals slaughted in the name of religion. What about in the Law Covenant stoning your mother or son or daughter or father to death for a violation of law? Not only kill the sinner, but make him/her suffer first. How about God having foolish children torn to pieces by a bear because they were disrespectful, or the guy on reflex tried to prevent the ark from falling. The worship of Jeh included violence. "Nature" is more violent than Iraq. I've turned off nature shows because I don't like seeing animals torn to shreds by other animals. I personally don't like violent entertainment just for the sake of seeing violence, but I love watching boxing. I can't figure it all out. But we were taught that we were created in God's image of God and God has no problem with violence. The bible is full of "righteous retribution".
KM (Elder School) Brief Highlights
by XBEHERE inbesides the usual drivel there were a couple interesting things.
1. an entire 1 hour discourse on helping our children become little innocent martyrs for the wt via.
their flawed and unreasonable blood doctrine.
Back some years ago in a elders meeting we were discussing all that new crap about transfusions, what was allowable and what was a conscience matter. Who was going to give that part on the service meeting. They wanted me to do it, maybe in part because I went through my own life-threating need a transfusion ordel, stayed faithful and survived. One brother made the comment that just because it was a conscience matter, it didn't mean whatever way you decided was OK. That would have to be stressed to the congregation. So I said if a fraction of blood is wrong, why doesn't the slave just say it is, just like they say whole blood or one of its major components is wrong? No real answers of course. I wouldn't do the talk, was already fading anyway. Even when I face the issue personally, I didn't quite get it, but I thought it must be me. Anyway I know better now.