Heaven, you said that better than I could. I'll have to check that movie.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
A big experiment?
by pontoon inremember ant farm experiments?
very narrow glass enclosures with soil and ants inside.
you could see their tunnels and social structure.
A big experiment?
by pontoon inremember ant farm experiments?
very narrow glass enclosures with soil and ants inside.
you could see their tunnels and social structure.
Remember ant farm experiments? Very narrow glass enclosures with soil and ants inside. You could see their tunnels and social structure. Then we could drop a black ant into a red ant farm just to see what happens....
Ever feel that earth and life on it is nothing but a experiment for some higher spirit life form? Like we are being watched and to the amusement of ???????? its "let's see how they react to this......
Not saying I believe that, but I would say that enough time has passed, enough suffering, enough inhumanity, that if Jeh. were trying to prove a point about rulership go ahead and make your point and then FIX it. I guess my biggest problem is how a loving God can watch all this bad and not act just to prove how wrong humans are and how right he is.
What would you hate about the Paradise...
by Butterflyleia85 inwell i was thinking... kinda random stuff this morning.
there was on the news of volcano eruption in brussel and it was so cool looking.
no injuries were found but i got to see the lava and thinking how beautiful it was.
Don't know, but I would like to hear what Uriah has to say to David.
Why another bloodbath?
by pontoon inwhy does jeh have to destroy unbelievers at armegeddon?
why not just let this unfaithful generation die out just like the unfaithful generation that never got to enter the promised land?.
Thanks for the replies, but I really don't need a profound or serious answer. Just trying out a new laptop and trying to lure Outlaw out with one of his pics. He cracks me up!
Why another bloodbath?
by pontoon inwhy does jeh have to destroy unbelievers at armegeddon?
why not just let this unfaithful generation die out just like the unfaithful generation that never got to enter the promised land?.
Why another bloodbath?
by pontoon inwhy does jeh have to destroy unbelievers at armegeddon?
why not just let this unfaithful generation die out just like the unfaithful generation that never got to enter the promised land?.
Why does Jeh have to DESTROY unbelievers at Armegeddon? Why not just let this unfaithful generation die out just like the unfaithful generation that never got to enter the Promised Land?
Could ''boredom'' at the Kingdom Hall be one reason why some members leave?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inyou'll find boredom where there is the absence of a good idea earl nightingale quotes (us motivational writer and author, 1921-1989).
let's forget that most members leave due to the wrong beliefs,doctrines and practices of the wts!.
i was bored out of my mind from the repetitive: talks,prayers,ministry school demonstrations,field service talks(peddle magazines),assemblies,special talks and watchtower magazine study articles.
DPL, I also saw that happen while visiting the congregation in Franklin NH. We were shocked. That bible study left and the elders immediately went into damage control. Wasn't my congregation, I don't know how it all turned out. But it broke the boredom!!!!!
Question for all you 'smart (witty)' people.
by misguided ina ny bethelite is in town.
he arrived yesterday.
his dad is not doing well.. he has no idea i was a jw, let alone apostate.
Ask how much "new light" comes from the Wat. legal dept. Ask why so many lawyers are needed when GB should be trusting in Jeh. Ask how the GB represents the entire FS class.
Could ''boredom'' at the Kingdom Hall be one reason why some members leave?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inyou'll find boredom where there is the absence of a good idea earl nightingale quotes (us motivational writer and author, 1921-1989).
let's forget that most members leave due to the wrong beliefs,doctrines and practices of the wts!.
i was bored out of my mind from the repetitive: talks,prayers,ministry school demonstrations,field service talks(peddle magazines),assemblies,special talks and watchtower magazine study articles.
Yes, Juan we did. It was in the mid to late 1960's. I was a teenager in East Manhattan Congregation, NY. In the summer we had if I remember right 2 Sun. meetings each summer in Central Park. We still had to dress up. It was better than going to the hall. I don't know if it got squashed or what the politics behind it was if any. I would have been too young to be tuned into that anyway. Thinking back now, E Manhattan split while I was there and Murry Hill Congregation was formed. I think both congregations did the park thing together. We had some Brooklyn heavyweights back then, ones that would become part of the first GB, so I don't know if anyone tried to stop our park meetings.
Does anyone remember for a short time when there was some audience participation in the public talks??? I do.
Simplified Watchtower in English?
by munchausen inlast wed night they read an announcement that there would be an english edition of the watchtower in simplified english.
has there been a discussion on this, or has this letter been read elsewhere than the us?
i would never have guessed that the wt could be 'dumbed down' any more than it is already.
This is so they can have........ANOTHER NEW PEAK IN WATCHTOWER MAGS!!!!!!