They still say they have five. bk study, school & service meeting all in one night, then the public talk and Wat. But just think how all of them have been cut back in time and material.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
tootired---what they won't allow is a regular (weekly) study group. They are OK with the occasional widow or "fatherless boy" showing up at your family study. What they don't want is to have two or three THINKING MEN put their minds together in a less than formal situation.
Probably a number of reasons as mentioned all contributed to the end of private home book studies. What we know for a fact is that they will never tell the truth, so much of what comes out of the society now is all "spin"
In the congregation I used to go to two or three families and some others decided to continue to meet once a week for study and fellowship. The group included at least two elders and some MS's. The rest of the body ?? it, wrote to the society, the group was promptly shut down. Borg is afraid of splinter groups starting up. Imagine that, in Watchtower Land it's wrong to meet for bible discussion and fellowship unless it is scantioned by the Org.
The Great Watchtower Internet Retreat
by DT inthere has been a lot of talk about the new watchtower internet strategy.
it appears that the watchtower is trying to improve their internet presence.
this could be true, but i think there are good reasons to think that the opposite might be the case.. i suspect that this new internet announcement was primarily designed to draw attention away from the announcement that they are cutting down on the printing of the magazines again.. they are basically dropping two of their websites and redesigning a website on a url that has the lowest rating of the three.
But I think if you saw the construction going on in Wallkill, proposed construction for Patterson, future development in Walden, and had a look at their bank accounts you wouldn't think they were going out of business. They got money to burn, what's different is they are burning more of it on themselves (headquarters).
The Great Watchtower Internet Retreat
by DT inthere has been a lot of talk about the new watchtower internet strategy.
it appears that the watchtower is trying to improve their internet presence.
this could be true, but i think there are good reasons to think that the opposite might be the case.. i suspect that this new internet announcement was primarily designed to draw attention away from the announcement that they are cutting down on the printing of the magazines again.. they are basically dropping two of their websites and redesigning a website on a url that has the lowest rating of the three.
DT, what you say sounds possible. One thing to remember, the Org doesn't tell the truth, when they make changes they always "spin" as to the reason why. The main objective of the Org is a balancing act of staying different from the world but not so different they appear crazy. Nothing to do with truth or spiritual enlightenment. An example is their stand on blood. If the Org were being praised for a rock solid stand on no blood, that would still be the policy. As it is now, the Org looks a little more acceptable with their easing on blood issues, but still different. Don't expect any changes on tolerating any who voice any opinions of their own, they are to scared of being torn down from the inside out. It's a church survival tactic, appeal to enough people to stay in business without losing their own identify, not unlike Catholics dropping their fish Fridays and turning a blind eye to birth control. Don't know their reasoning, but whatever decisions they are making are being made for their future survival, nothing to do with spreading the word or saving lives. Just my opinion.
Guns and Scary Movies Gal
by Iamallcool inthere is a very pretty lady friend of mine that likes guns and to watch scary movies very often.
she emailed me yesterday to ask me how i am doing.
i know she likes me and she is probably waiting for me to ask her out.
Don't go out with her. How about hooking her up with me? I love guns, shoot often and nothing scares me except the thought of going back to the hall.
Favorite TV Shows Growing Up
by TOTH ini used to love watching tv when i was a kid.
for some reason not so much anymore.
here are three of my favorites.
Great old shows! Some of my favorites already mentioned. Here's two more. Remember "The Felony Squad"? It stared Howard Duff and Dennis Cole. How about "Everglades"?, or "The Everglades"? Remember.....Lincoln Vale of the Everglades, the man on patrol in the Everglades.....
news to me
by truthseeker1969 ini just heard this within the last day.. i had no clue that the society had a travel agancy within its offices!.
anyhoo, in the area i live they called numerous hotels for deals for the convention and the gm whom i know through friends told me that they play hardball in getting the maximum commission possible for refering people.
he said the average is about 10 to 15 percent of the room cost.
I knew for a fact that they get free rooms for Bethelites, didn't know they get a money kicback. Makes sense, thinking about it now it doesn't surprise me a bit.
ExJW who was a former friend explains why she defriended me on FB - and my response!
by Broken Promises inhi broken promises,.
since i'll be seeing you on saturday [at her sisters wedding who is also an exjw], i thought i should let you know why i removed you from my friends list and didn't accept your last request.
i did this because i saw you were in an ex jehovah's witness recovery group.
So being friends with you would be disrespecting her mother but shacking up with her boyfriend is OK. You just cannot always find reason and make sense out of nonsense. Don't spend too much time on it