JoinedPosts by pontoon
Patterson vs Walkill vs Warwick
by Magnum ini understand that warwick is to be the new world headquarters of jws, patterson is an educational complex, and walkill is a literature production center.
will patterson continue to be used as it is now after the completion of warwick?
if not, what will happen to it?
Billy the Ex description of Wallkill made me lol. It really is as he describes, a crazy complex of buildings. It's a mess. Ones that have never seen Wallkill and Paterson would probably be awed by the size of these complexes. -
Patterson vs Walkill vs Warwick
by Magnum ini understand that warwick is to be the new world headquarters of jws, patterson is an educational complex, and walkill is a literature production center.
will patterson continue to be used as it is now after the completion of warwick?
if not, what will happen to it?
Construction is presently going on at Wallkill. Farming is still going on as well as their orchids and grapes. I believe they are still doing hundreds of acres of corn, a lot of it to feed their beef. Farm #2 is their beef farm and it looks as busy as ever. But the land at Wallkill is worth millions, probably some of the most valuable land in the Mid Hudson Valley.
Plans are on the design table for Paterson. Don't know what but I've heard it's big. Suppose to ramp up construction at Paterson as Warwick winds down.
Don't forget Barbra Anderson's post here recently about the Fishkill property and what is going on and planned there, adding to it and building state of the art video production facility. That property is about half way in between Wallkill and Paterson with beautiful majestic Hudson River views.
I've said before as much as they try they can't spend their money as fast as it pours in.
Does forever mean forever?
by I_love_Jeff in1 chronicles 28:9 "and you, my son solomon, acknowledge the god of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought.
if you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.
is the word "forever" literal or figurative?
Sure lots of us have heard some variation of this illustration about living forever. I think it was Lett I first heard it from. It went something like this. Picture an ant carrying one grain of sand cross country and dropping it in the Grand Canyon, going back cross country for another grain...........until the Grand Canyon is filled in. Well, forever is longer than that. That was a popular illustration around the time I left -
Why don't some members of the congregations never slow down or get tired out?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmy uncle passed away two years ago at the age of 83. he served as an elder from 1965 to the last day of his life.
even till the end of his life he was still reading the bible.. he was an elder for 48 years.
never missed a meeting,pioneered during the summer months ( took vacation weeks),pioneered after retiring at 65 years old, never went on real vacation, went to all summer conventions and assemblies ( traveling to new york,wisconsin, canada and california ).. he also conducted book studies, watchtower meetings, gave sunday public talks, assembly parts, elder meetings, had a weekly book study with his family,cleaned the kingdom hall, and donated money when the congregation was short money for the month.. everyone is zealous in the beginning but tire out sooner or later.
I know many people 100% contented living the as the picture perfect Wat org, GB obedient servant. I give those people credit for at least being true and honest for living up to their beliefs, although I don't know what keeps them going. That's in contrast to myself in that for over 40 yrs I swung from being a good witness to being not a good witness. I was more of a hypocrite. All I can say is if a person is 100% in it must be because they really, really, really......believe the truth according to JW's -
by brandnew inif getting ready means putting on a suit........ you might be a j.w.. if going out to the field has nothing to do with grass, baseball diamonds, or football ......... you might be a j.w.. please continue my friends.......i know ya got some.....; ).
........own a squeegee
.........put a suit on to tour a farm to look at printing presses
The JWORGanisation future.
by prologos inthis week i saw the organisation's future.
an ueber-zealous elder, field service glorious one, on friday night corralled all the teenagers for a get-together, first wt preview, and then communal watching of the jworg-tv presentations.
( in case they do not do that at home).
Some time ago the congregation overseer had a Wat study with his family, other families joined in and it grew into a group of about 35-50 people, mostly young with some brothers from Wat Farm included. Usually two or three elders would be in the group. When the study was done it was party time. Some of the reasons for it being shut down were that it was a way splinter groups could develop, ones from that group had a excuse to skip the congregation Wat study since they already went to one and they dressed in a casual way that was not up to the high standards of the organization. There were other reasons too but that's what I remember. Circuit Overseer was very adamant about the whole thing. I'm remembering two other similar arrangements that were shut down. -
The JWORGanisation future.
by prologos inthis week i saw the organisation's future.
an ueber-zealous elder, field service glorious one, on friday night corralled all the teenagers for a get-together, first wt preview, and then communal watching of the jworg-tv presentations.
( in case they do not do that at home).
It's not an official organization scheduled meeting. It will be shut down by the Circuit Overseer if he hears about it if not before. No unofficial meetings allowed. Seen it happen more than once. -
Acts 8:14 - Apostles are governing body - was this ever taught before?
by berrygerry intoday's wt study (nov 15, 2014 page 4, par 4.. the governing body in jerusalem sent the apostles peter and john to these samaritan converts, and they laid their hands on them, and they began to receive holy spirit.
(acts 8:5, 6, 14-17) .
there are multiple references to acts 15 whereby "the apostles and older men" were the governing body.. i have never noticed this applied to "the apostles" only in acts 8:14 before.. is this another new item to reinforce the concept of the governing body?.
GB today are delusional believing themselves or they know they are frauds and their goal is the preservation of Wat Org to maintain their power and status. Either way any teaching or "truth" from them has to support their existence. What they allow to go to print is going to bolster their self appointed positions. It's self preservation, don't expect anything different -
Acts 8:14 - Apostles are governing body - was this ever taught before?
by berrygerry intoday's wt study (nov 15, 2014 page 4, par 4.. the governing body in jerusalem sent the apostles peter and john to these samaritan converts, and they laid their hands on them, and they began to receive holy spirit.
(acts 8:5, 6, 14-17) .
there are multiple references to acts 15 whereby "the apostles and older men" were the governing body.. i have never noticed this applied to "the apostles" only in acts 8:14 before.. is this another new item to reinforce the concept of the governing body?.
Read 1 Corn; 1:12.... Those Jews in Jerusalem weren't even in unity as far as who they believed in, not only that for the most part they were still following the Mosaic Law. If they were a GB they were dysfunctional. Maybe they do picture the GB today ha ha -
To Blue Dot or Not to Blue Dot. That is the question ....
by Oubliette inso i've been noticing recently that some khs in the area where i live (socal) are putting up the jw.org little blue dot, but others are not.
i would think this would be a mandatory directive from hq.
does anyone here have any intel on the matter?.